Behold my servant, whom I have chosen; my beloved, in whom my soul is well pleased: I will put my spirit upon him, and he shall shew judgment to the Gentiles.
A form was chosen to be a vehicle for the soul on earth, and the way was made for souls to enter earth and experience it as part of their cycle.
Your soul has chosen to incarnate onto the Earth at this specific time for growth and lessons but also to teach and help others.
He chooses books as if he chooses his spiritual lover. Once a book is chosen, he will absorb himself in the book, savor its beauty slowly and carve it into his soul word by word.
The Spaces he creates, the furniture he designs, and the objects chosen for his interiors inspire the mind and express the soul. Strength. Discipline, Balance.
You have corporately chosen your name, "the Anglican Network Church of the Good Shepherd (Richmond)," after soul-searching considerations and earnest prayers.
You have corporately chosen your name, "the Anglican Network Church of the Good Shepherd (Richmond)," after soul-searching considerations and earnest prayers.