We spent the Christmas holidays exploring this city and seeing the decorations that they have put up.
During the Christmas holidays there's a tremendous amount of traffic between the Northeast and Florida.
All my essays are in there, and I need to hand them in before we break for the Christmas holidays.
We spent the Christmas holidays exploring the city and seeing the decorations that they have put up.
We rented a cottage at the seaside for the Christmas holidays.
Across the United States, people use lights and decorations to mark the Christmas holidays.
No member of the family has yet revealed what they play in its place during the Christmas holidays.
The family were on a trip over the Christmas holidays when a State Trooper stopped them for speeding.
This hotel is booked up for the Christmas holidays so we will have to look for another place to stay.
She and I didn’t resolve our situation, but she did agree to come visit me over the Christmas holidays.
The Christmas holidays tend to magnify the loneliness we feel when we're separated from the ones we love.
For those lonely spirits seeking a partner during the Christmas holidays, coupledom is just a snapshot away.
Over the Christmas holidays, the number of visits to the site has doubled from last year, reaching 60,000 per month.
I missed you so much this day Mom, and I remembered the Christmas holidays, Santa Clause gifts and the rest of my family.
Cinema goers in the UK are licking their lips in anticipation of the films to be released in time for the Christmas holidays.
Well, I'm afraid that we can't send the order until after the Christmas holidays. Our company will be closed for another week.
Then, during the Christmas holidays, came the brutal Soviet invasion, which wiped out any chance for a two-thirds vote of approval.
December usually closes with a bang as W3C working groups rush to finish their work and push out specs before the Christmas holidays.
W3C工作组通常在12 月完成预期的工作,并在圣诞节之前发布规范。
It is the traditional end of the Christmas seasonand the last day of the Christmas holidays for both primary andsecondary schools in Ireland.
在爱尔兰,小圣诞被视为是圣诞季的最后一天,过了这一天,小学和中学就开学啦。 (很像咱们的“过大年”啊!)
Many businesses, closed for the Christmas holidays, have been unable to open for fear of looting or because employees have been unable to travel to work safely.
Gritters and snow ploughs are working overtime to keep the roads clear but for many people around the country the Christmas holidays have come early this year.
The lovebirds did the town over the Christmas holidays: shopping in SoHo, visiting the tree at Rockefeller Center, celebrating New Year's Eve in Times Square - the works.
If you apply for a part-time job at a department store during the Christmas holidays the week of Christmas, they are going to turn you down because they have enough staff.
Of course everyone enjoys some extra treats during the Christmas holidays so we don't want to ban mince pies and wine but it's a good time to think about taking up some healthy habits for 2015.
Of course everyone enjoys some extra treats during the Christmas holidays so we don't want to ban mince pies and wine but it's a good time to think about taking up some healthy habits for 2015.