Meanwhile, in Bolivia, halfway around the world and smack in the middle of the Andes, the controversy is causing chuckles.
"Now I do yoga, where I can sit on my butt and not worry," chuckles the psychiatrist.
Hearty chuckles from the early morning crowd just settling into their seats.
"The senior engineers could not understand the hybrid engineering," chuckles Mr Ogiso.
While infants laugh up to 300 times a day, that figure falls to an average of 6 laughs a day for teenagers and only 2.5 daily chuckles for those more than 60 years old, the survey found.
But from all appearances, she chuckles, the chocolate "works wonders!"
“I was young and didn’t know the rules, ” chuckles the good-natured Richmond. “I just didn’t want to go to a team a lot of steps away from competing.”
Rameses: (Chuckles) Moses, I cannot change what you see. I have to maintain the ancient traditions. I bear the weight of my father's crown.
"I call him the Korean Playboy," chuckles Evra.
A hearty, belly laugh means the same thing on every continent: joy. But when we laugh with someone else, our chuckles may divulge more than we realize.
Father always chuckles when he reads the funny papers.
The curtain closed. A hushed silence held the audience. Gradually the stillness gave way to suppressed chuckles, and then to enthusiastic applause.
He heard soft chuckles circulate around the room and almost got up to leave. Pandora shushed the other students.
It's name - the Fuxing Hotel - created a lot of chuckles among foreigners.
He beliewd that no class hour is a success unless the students and the piofessor share several chuckles and at least one loud laugh.
在他看来如果师生在一堂课上没有几次会心 的笑声或至少一次开怀大笑,就不是一堂成功 的课。
Mr. Marks chuckles as he and his wife and two teenage daughters join a crowd of Chinese boarding a tour bus outside the Holiday Inn Sanya Bay. 'It's supposed to go to some shopping area, ' he says.
A hushed silence held the audience. Gradually the stillness gave way to suppressed chuckles, and then to enthusiastic applause.
A hushed silence held the audience. Gradually the stillness gave way to suppressed chuckles, and then to enthusiastic applause.