To deal with this, these countries turn the clocks back one hour: 1 o'clock goes back to 12 o'clock.
Changing the clocks, however, does not actually increase the amount of driving done in the dark, so it is unlikely to have any effect on Benovia's automobile accident rate.
然而,改变时钟实际上并不会增加在黑暗中驾驶的时间,所以它不太可能对 Benovia 的交通事故率有任何影响。
The earthquake stopped all the clocks.
I like putting the clocks forward by ten minutes.
It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.
It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.
1b.listen and match The Times with actions.Draw lines from the clocks to the pictures.
If all the clocks and calendars vanished, children would still know when Sunday came.
No, an official wrote back: that was the night the clocks had been turned back an hour.
There's a problem, though: They are dancing in a room in which the clocks have no hands.
There’s a problem, though: They are dancing in a room in which the clocks have no hands.
If this error occurs, synchronize the clocks in the IDS client, server, and KDC machines.
In summer they usually set the clocks ahead one hour to make capital of the summer daylight.
Sharon:I heard all the clocks on the island were running 15 minutes faster after the eruption.
When they had nearly reached the top of the great West Hill the clocks in the town struck eight.
After thinking about this for a long time, he finally conceived of the idea of moving the clocks forward.
The atom vibrates between two energy levels allowing the clocks accuracy down to a second in 3.7 billion years.
By tinkering with the clocks of plants and animals, scientists may learn more about the fascinating way our bodies work.
In a second experiment, the team measured the effects of relativity on the time-keeping aluminum atoms inside the clocks.
在第二次试验中,他们测量了重力对时钟内铝原子的维持时间(time -keeping)的影响。
FRIDAY, March 11 (HealthDay News) — Worried that your sleep patterns will be disrupted when the clocks move ahead one hour this weekend?
When they brought the clocks together and made a comparison, the clock on the plane was indeed a few nanoseconds slower than the other clock.
The last time I said that the past year had gone by too quickly, for example, I did not conclude that the calendar, or the clocks, must be inaccurate as a result.
If you do not synchronize the clocks on the workbench and on all of the systems under test, resource counters are displayed inaccurately (with respect to time) in the reports.
Their justification being that the clocks in our computers were binary coded and that after 99, they’d trip to 00 and that’d confuse the all out of them, sending them in a total tizzy.
If the clocks on the different telescopes didn't agree precisely, for example, then their calculations of the asteroid's location at a given moment would conflict, distorting his trajectory.
If the clocks on the different telescopes didn't agree precisely, for example, then their calculations of the asteroid's location at a given moment would conflict, distorting his trajectory.