The victims were believed to be Albanians from either Albania or Kosovo, said authorities from Italy's tax police division, which, along with the coast guard, patrols the nation's coast.
The Coast Guard needs to decipher garbled messages in a few minutes.
The Coast Guard closed the port of Philadelphia.
Days later, the Coast Guard gave it to Louisiana.
The Coast Guard says that 36 Cubans died at sea in April alone.
The Coast Guard naming standards include the following syntax rules.
The Coast Guard is not impressed with supernatural explanations of disasters at sea.
The Coast Guard has prioritized their work with regard to repairing aids to navigation.
Mario Vittone, a chief warrant officer with the Coast Guard, lost his father as a child.
The Coast Guard also said that the ferry did not follow the path suggested by officials.
Locals' concern is that out-of-sight oil will be out-of-mind oil for BP and the Coast Guard.
Unlike the guys in the raft, we had an emergency locator beacon so the Coast Guard could find us.
In North America, the Coast Guard said that one person was swept to sea near McKinleyville, Calif.
The Coast Guard spokeswoman said she was unaware of any activity taking place on the Potomac River.
然后CNN联系到了海岸警卫队总部的公共关系部门, 他们的一位女发言人说,他不知道在potomac上面有任何事情发生.
At the same time, the Coast Guard has to protect its own capacity to help with rescues after the storm passes.
The coast guard said at least 127 people have been rescued. Divers are searching for at least 26 other people.
The Coast Guard also wants the companies to come up with a plan for permanent remediation of the oil that remains in the wreckage.
The Coast Guard said it had sent investigators to confirm whether crude oil had begun to wash up on parts of the Louisiana shoreline.
The lifeboat launched by the Coast Guard had been forced back to shore by big waves, and an air search would take a couple of hours to organize.
It went on like this for a while. Gibbs did not give any ground, and declined support the idea that the Coast Guard had done anything wrong.
BP and the Coast Guard initially estimated 1,000 barrels of oil a day were leaking from the well, but that estimate proved wildly inaccurate.
They added that a message was received by the Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre in Mumbai, following which the Coast Guard deployed its team.
The Coast Guard reported Friday morning that a remote-controlled camera found that oil was not leaking from the deep-water well drilled by the rig.
Figure 10 shows the glossary created using the class word list, and sample prime words and modifiers from the Coast Guard Data Element Naming Standards.
It was explained that the Coast Guard was quite often called upon to bring in boats that were in distress, often due to the negligence of the operators.
In North America, the Coast Guard reported that one person was swept to sea near McKinleyville, Calif., while trying to take pictures of the approaching waves.
In North America, the Coast Guard reported that one person was swept to sea near McKinleyville, Calif., while trying to take pictures of the approaching waves.