Ray Crockett, a spokesman for Coca-Cola Co., said: "We're constantly amazed at the creative ways folks find to enjoy their Coke and make it part of celebrations like fairs and festivals.
She notes that one of her co-authors, Amit Khandelwal, visited a Coca-Cola bottling plant in China, and noticed that all the machinery was either Japanese or German.
The Caribbean island has helped scores of U.S. companies, including Coca-Cola Co. and Oracle Corp., to legally avoid billions in tax payments to the U.S. government, says U.S. Senator Byron Dorgan.
也因此,这个加勒比海岛国为美国参议员Byron Dorgan所诟病,指责它帮助不计其数的美国公司合法逃缴了数十亿美元的税款,而这些公司中就包含有可口可乐和甲骨文公司。
It's quite a habit, or was: last year Gates liquidated his stake in Coca-Cola Co. Maybe he kicked the can once and for all?
Coca Cola Co., which reported earnings Tuesday, was one of only two stocks in the Dow with gains.
According to the above-mentioned purposes in the text, take the Qingdao Coca-Cola Beverage co., Ltd as the research object.
Wang Jian, general manager of the Chinese Sports Management Co, told China's state-run Xinhua news agency earlier this month that Coca-Cola had the right to use a "group image" of the Chinese team.
Wang Jian, general manager of the Chinese Sports Management Co, told China's state-run Xinhua news agency earlier this month that Coca-Cola had the right to use a "group image" of the Chinese team.