The coffin was carried by six soldiers walking in lockstep.
The coffin was set among the hills, and one of the dwarfs always sat by it and watched.
The coffin was placed in the grave.
Women invited to join the crying in the room where the coffin was placed.
The coffin was carried into a small sitting-room and Gabriel was left alone with it.
The coffin was placed on the side of the mountain, and each of them watched it by turns, so that it was never left alone.
The coffin was moved among several different hiding places around the tomb over succeeding years, at one point under a pile of lumber.
Then the prince called his servants, and the coffin was placed on their shoulders, and they carried it away, followed by the king's son, who watched it carefully.
Chandler says, 'Doctor Dodson looked at details - the inlaid eyes, the detailed, realistic knees, and realised the coffin was much, much older than previously thought.
He got to his feet and went over to it, tried to close it, but it just shuddered and creaked, and he eventually gave up and moved back toward the middle of the room, where the coffin was.
The coffin lying before the altar was bare, except for a single wreath of white roses.
It gave no information about his station in life, but the fact that he was buried in a coffin made of limestone from Thebes suggested he was very wealthy, Hawass said.
Following his coffin was his eldest son, the handsome, much loved, Prince of Wales.
In 1104 another chronicler, Simeon of Durham, records how Cuthbert’s coffin was opened in preparation for formal reinterment in a new church, the precursor of Durham cathedral.
The innermost coffin of a miniature nested set from Tut's tomb was inscribed with the name of Tiye.
His girlfriend, Claire Wells, 23, was ushered forward and placed two roses on the hearse carrying his coffin.
Using a group of mirrors and a housing that's almost big enough to use as a coffin, Canon was able to stretch the focal-length on this SLR-specific lens to 5,150mm.
I observed once, indeed, something like exultation in his aspect: it was just when the people were bearing the coffin from the house.
'it was padded inside and I've left the handles on it so people can see it's a coffin.
This stone, it was believed, had the rather revolting quality that if one made a coffin out of it, and laid a body inside, the stone itself would eat the dead in a matter of weeks.
It was not until he recognized his friend in the crayon portrait of a little boy in kilts and curls hanging above the piano that he felt willing to let any of these people approach the coffin.
Shortly after Bede's hero, Cuthbert, died in 687, the book was placed in his coffin.
After a quick make-up session, my father-in-law was ready to be placed in the traditional wooden coffin that had a small window on the cover allowing mourners to look at his face.
A little while after she suddenly opened her eyes, lifted up the coffin-lid, raised herself and was again alive.
But after the baby was placed in a coffin and a funeral was underway, the parents heard sounds of crying coming from within and found their baby alive.
So Joseph died at the age of a hundred and ten. And after they embalmed him, he was placed in a coffin in Egypt.
As he left the next morning he saw the coffin on the mountain-side, with beautiful Snow-white lying in it, and read what was written upon the lid in letters of gold.
Phillip Myers was killed in Afghanistan. Journalists recorded the return of his coffin at Dover air force base in Delaware after his family gave their consent.
Phillip Myers was killed in Afghanistan. Journalists recorded the return of his coffin at Dover air force base in Delaware after his family gave their consent.