When Wang Ping asked Zhang Ying for a date, she gave him the cold shoulder.
Eg. Henry got the cold shoulder when he asked to have a date with Mary.
I don't know why Kim gave me the cold shoulder when I said "hi" to her.
A I don't know why Kim gave me the cold shoulder when I said "hi" to her.
You wouldn't want to get the cold shoulder from Victoria Beckham in this getup.
Red experiencing "the red shortage" after the cold shoulder, started reunification.
It is never my intention to be rude or to give well-meaning readers the cold shoulder.
Xiao felt hard done by when some classmates gave him the cold shoulder after he decided to study harder.
But creative types were given the cold shoulder, with no apps announced for editing photos, videos or music.
People at the party were polite to me, but one of the waiters gave me the cold shoulder when I asked for a drink.
I don't know what I've done to offend Doreen but she gave me the cold shoulder when we met accidentally in town.
You can use a kernel debugger if you want to, and I won't give you the cold shoulder because you have "sullied" yourself.
But it seems unfair to give your granny the cold shoulder simply because your mom says she prefers your uncle's children.
Also, while working on a group projectin a sociology class, she says she was given the cold shoulder:“They pretend to welcome you but they do not.
Also while working on a group project in a sociology class she says she was given the cold shoulder: "they pretend to welcome you but they do not."
But when I saw her at the supermarket today and said "hello," she gave me the cold shoulder-she looked right past me like I wasn't even there.
This Jovian moon isn't trying to give life the cold shoulder. In fact, it could be a home not just to simple micro-organisms, but also complex life.
But when I saw her at the supermarket today and said 'hello,' she gave me the cold shoulder — she looked right past me like I wasn't even there.
Visits to really remote places are seldom enjoyable, as it did in the case of my wife on a tour to the Balkans where she received the cold shoulder.
Also, while working on a group project in a sociology class, she says she was given the cold shoulder: "they pretend to welcome you but they do not."
But unfortunately, no matter what Tom said, his girlfriend still gave him the cold shoulder. It seems that she has made up her mind to break up with Tom.
Then he said aloud, "Here in the boarding-house, if one would have friends and be popular instead of having the cold shoulder turned upon him, he must be prosperous."
Three chiam too again in May grandpa side chewing a tongue have root, mei grandpa always to her the cold shoulder, she said WangXiaoGong such woman how may home even marry ah.
三姨太又在梅姥爷身边嚼着舌头根子,梅姥爷老是对她爱理不理的,她说王小红这样的女人怎么梅家还要娶呀。 。
If you feel like you've done everything possible to succeed in your interview but you're still getting the cold shoulder, then follow this advice: Just do your best and move on.
And he had heard the conversation, and hadn't enjoyed it much either, because he kept on thinking that the others were taking no notice of him and trying to give him the cold shoulder.
I always thought Mary and I were friends. But when I saw her at the supermarket today and said ’hello,’ she gave me the cold shoulder -- she looked right past me like I wasn’t even there.
As for the cold shoulder that Congress gave the auto makers last month, Mr. Mulally said Ford and its competitors were simply not ready for the follow-up questions posed by members of Congress. Mr.
As for the cold shoulder that Congress gave the auto makers last month, Mr. Mulally said Ford and its competitors were simply not ready for the follow-up questions posed by members of Congress. Mr.