But at present it is still at the fumbling stage, the collective bargaining system has not finally established in China.
And, even if the collective bargaining system has been established, it does not mean the right on collective bargaining will be protected.
In a system of collective bargaining, the workers as a group negotiate with the managers of the company.
In a system of collective bargaining the workers as a group negotiate with the managers of the company.
In a system of collective bargaining, the workers as a group negotiate with the managers of the company.
Mainly legislated through labor standard, the right to solidarity, collective bargaining and industrial action to regulate both sides' behavior, and brings the conflict into legal system.
Companies in China can expect to see more pressure to establish a wage collective bargaining system in the near future.
"The expiring collective bargaining agreement created a broken system that produced huge financial losses for our teams, " said NBA Deputy Commissioner Adam Silver.
NBA副总裁阿达姆-席尔瓦说道,“ 刚刚到期的劳资协议并不是一套双赢的体系,那个协议导致我们的球队蒙受了巨额的财政损失。
"The expiring collective bargaining agreement created a broken system that produced huge financial losses for our teams, " said NBA Deputy Commissioner Adam Silver.
NBA副总裁阿达姆-席尔瓦说道,“ 刚刚到期的劳资协议并不是一套双赢的体系,那个协议导致我们的球队蒙受了巨额的财政损失。