It's no longer the case that the common man in England is embarrassed to show he knows about food.
"It's no longer the case that the common man in England is embarrassed to show he knows about food," Tomes says.
Therefore, use common words and common meanings. Write for the common man and the common woman.
They hope to appear to the common man as united in compassion, so the blame game turns elsewhere.
All of these books are characterized by Steinbeck's extreme sentimentality towards the common man.
The little man, the common man, will fare better, especially if they are using short wave technology.
This Pagani will come in very limited Numbers and at a price point far out of reach of the common man.
The honest truth is that there may not be a player more relatable to the common man than Sasha Vujacic.
So it was the bad judgment of the elite, not the greediness of the common man, that caused America's deficit.
I would love to extend the concept of empowerment, freedom (given by Agile) to the common man in social life.
The uncommon man is merely the common man thinking and dreaming of success in larger terms and in more fruitful areas.
He longed to find a way to help the common man to experience the profound connection with the Divine that a mystic felt.
If laws are not changed they will be ignored by the common man, as the trend toward massive and widespread protests worsens.
These songs told of Harrison's bravery against the Indians. They told how Harrison loved the hard and simple life of the common man.
It's often a symbol of freedom, for it permits the common man to speak freely of his leaders; it helps him cut them down to size.
Like Andrew Mellon on the eve of the Great Depression, Mr Paulson has struggled to communicate with, or understand the needs of, the common man.
Ajami argues that such a crisis will put the Muslim Brotherhood, which has a reputation of looking out for the common man, to the ultimate test.
In short, if the press can make itself intelligible to the common man, it will have even less difficulty in being understood by the intellectual.
But one whose colour and fragrance is most pure and meaningful when discovered by accident while tending to the more mundane duties of the common man.
Few North Americans truly have sovereignty. The common man in the United States is enslaved by debt, manipulated by media and intoxicated by quantity.
Arthur Miller's essay 'tragedy and the Common Man' exemplifies the modern belief that tragedy may also depict ordinary people in domestic surroundings.
Thus, the common man, without access to the information that NASA has but won't allow the public access to, has no facts by which to arrive at the truth.
It is those in control, the establishment, who panic because they fear being called to account on their lies, and fear the common man making demands upon them.
And as the common man is increasingly celebrated, the trend in all aspects of public life, the arts, literature and music, will lead inexorably toward mediocrity.
And as the common man is increasingly celebrated, the trend in all aspects of public life, the arts, literature and music, will lead inexorably toward mediocrity.