In a market where there appears to be a surplus, the common mistake is to tack on too many unnecessary requirements.
This makes the code harder to maintain and can also lead to the common mistake mentioned above.
This system can response to the effective requests correctly, and also can prompt to the common mistake.
However, do not make the common mistake of squeezing your shoulder blades toward each other to open your chest.
This complexity is partly caused by the common mistake of implementing the event method with a large if statement to capture all the handling logic.
A very common mistake, especially early on, is to assume that your reader is the person who will be marking the report.
This is a very common mistake in that we conduct the lookup twice, which is a problem from a performance perspective.
The most common mistake is to assume that because an instance of your program wrote the data out, it can read that data back in again without verifying it.
A common mistake is to not include front-line staff in the definition of your compliancy effort, reducing the chance of identifying a pragmatic approach to a new mandate.
One common eating mistake among runners is that they overcompensate for the calories burned by exercise with extra calories from more food and beverages.
I don't blame Nolan for making the mistake, as it's a common error.
The most common mistake with bounded wildcards is forgetting to use them at all, restricting the utility of a class or forcing users to jump through hoops to reuse an existing class.
"A really common mistake is writing a resume that is basically a list of job titles, followed by the phrase 'responsible for' — responsible for this, responsible for that," says Seidel.
It's hard to describe XP concisely because the values, principles, and practices are strongly interrelated and complementary; a common mistake is to focus on one principle or practice and call it XP.
One common mistake is to omit a WSDL binding and WSDL service from the WSDL definition.
Another common mistake neglects to test interaction with other code, where the interaction with other code causes emergent behavior that is not present when the code is tested in isolation.
It's a common mistake when trying to rush through a script to skim over the scene descriptions.
Another common mistake is to suppose that XML is somehow used behind the scenes — a view I once held myself, to be honest!
When trying to mimic a production environment a common mistake is to match the hardware too closely.
It's a common mistake to install Joomla! And assume the resulting Web site is secure.
一种常见的误解是,安装了Joomla !之后,产生的网站就是安全的。
One common mistake is to forget to enable the module for rewrite rules. Before you can use the rewrite rules, you must uncomment this line.
Many teams I interviewed for Specification by Example made the same mistake, and it seems that this is a common problem from the discussions I have with people at conferences.
Answer: the most common mistake is thinking that they have to get all their plans absolutely perfect before launching.
Take the big and leave the young, a common principle of fisheries managers eager to rebuild stocks, may therefore be a mistake.
The most common mistake that we see is the missing or amputated hand as shown in the image on the left below.
In fact, medical studies have repeatedly shown that humans use all parts of the brain. I don't blame Nolan for making the mistake, as it's a common error.
A common mistake I observe among newer SVT testers is that they tend to look at the technology (or the product feature) in isolation rather than holistically.
我观察到新的 SVT测试人员常犯的一个错误是,他们总是从局部而非整体的角度来看待某种技术(或者产品特性)。
A common mistake is to go for across-the-board job and cost cuts that weaken the company without sharpening its core businesses.
Similar to the previously mentioned common mistake, not following the recommended installation process of your PHP framework can also give you some headaches.
A common beginner mistake, however, is to underestimate the time needed to write an operating system from scratch.
刚开始开发的人,通常会犯这样一个错误- - - - - - -会低估从无到有开发一个操作系统需要的时间长度。