Mr Blankfein may be the son of a postal clerk, but it would be stretching it to say he has the common touch.
An adept campaigner with a keen sense of the common touch, she capitalised on public grumblings over high prices for food and fuel.
One of the founders of feminist literary criticism in America and Princeton University's former professor of English literature, she mixes academic respect with the common touch;
They often stand close when talking and it is common for them to touch the person on the shoulder.
Go to Settings and enable keyboard shortcuts so you can perform common tasks at the touch of just one or two keys.
Information such as common click trails of users, or the response in relation to a marketing campaign, start to touch the area of data warehousing.
The system is designed for touch-screens, common on mobile devices but not yet on pcs-though you can use a keyboard or mouse if you like.
Most of the configurable timeouts have default values that are set to cover the most common use cases, and so you might never have to touch them.
In our kingdoms, touch is a means of non-verbal communication and a show of affection that is as common and necessary among us as the need for taking a breath.
Sky can’t touch the American cable channel for the quality of its productions, but the two have something in common: virtually all of their turnover comes from subscriptions.
Smartphones % usually touch screen control section, usually have a lot of application software on the screen, the most common also have twenty or thirty, most even mobile phones.
Do not touch any object that could provide a current path to the common side of the circuit under test or power line (earth) ground.
Use keyboard shortcuts. Go to Settings and enable keyboard shortcuts so you can perform common tasks at the touch of just one or two keys.
The ability to touch that bar was the most common compliment we would get from visitors.
The outside call buttons and the inside floor buttons are of feather-touch type, which is not common in Toshiba lifts.
The outside call buttons and the inside floor buttons are of feather-touch type, which is not common in Toshiba lifts.