The company has had its ups and downs, but certainly has some impressive 'firsts' to its name.
Currently, the company has had to allocate massive resources to its iTunes and iPhone online stores.
The company has had much experience in super-faced technique, our products are as well as the imports.
The company has had extensive channels, substantial strength, consummate technology and specialized support.
“As the company has had more exposure and visibility, I have had to realize that more people take what I say seriously,” he says.
It's easy to see why security professionals may be worrying about the state of security at Twitter - the company has had some rather high-profile incidents as of late.
The company has consistently denied it had knowingly broken arms embargoes.
The smallest company now has access to computing and infrastructure only the biggest tech company had 15 years ago.
Its staff, now 3,100, has expanded so quickly that the company, which is based in Chicago, had to relocate its meetings to a nearby church.
Its staff, now 3, 100, has expanded so quickly that the company, which is based in Chicago, had to relocate its meetings to a nearby church.
It's changing the number of shares outstanding, so the value of the company declines by the same amount; it has to, as if they had just paid a dividend.
The oil company, which has already paid separate penalties, said it had spent $1 billion on improving safety and will contest the charge.
Sony’s Mr Stringer has had to wrestle with Japan’s corporate culture in trying to turn the company round.
Sony's Mr Stringer has had to wrestle with Japan's corporate culture in trying to turn the company round.
If your company has had layoffs or cutbacks, ask what you can do to fill the gaps.
Mr Buffett says Mr Sokol had mentioned that he owned Lubrizol shares when they first discussed the company. No evidence has emerged that he continued to buy or sell after then.
Avon said it has no immediate plans to replace Ms. Smith, who had helped oversee restructuring measures at the company.
"Microsoft is the first company in 50 years of EU competition policy that the commission has had to fine for failure to comply with an anti-trust decision," she said.
The firm’s president, David Hess, has said the new engine could double the size of the company, which had sales of nearly $13 billion last year.
The company also has a 25th Anniversary site up that's basically just a venue for hawking their hardware products—I looked in vain for a picture of my beloved scroll wheel mouse, but had no luck.
Some Apple-watchers had wondered whether the prolonged absence of Mr Jobs, who has been behind many of the firm's greatest hits, would leave the company adrift.
The company says it has had some trouble inserting a tube into the broken well, but it now says it expects to reinsert the siphon Saturday.
We've also contacted Amazon for comment, we'll update when we hear back though the company has notoriously had an aversion to providing specific Numbers i.e. Kindle sales.
'Every Russian company looking at the equity markets now has a choice, where before they only had London,' Artem Volynets said in an interview Thursday.
'Every Russian company looking at the equity markets now has a choice, where before they only had London,' Artem Volynets said in an interview Thursday.