Long-term since, port throughput is mainly used to measure the company performance indicators.
The object of evaluation is to improve the company performance, not just to be the level for promoting or add salary.
This means that the cross-reaction of the stock equity concentration degree and the non-executive director ratio are negatively correlated to the company performance.
Most of the corporate control transfers happen among the poor performance companies and the senior managers change before and after the transfers have no direct relation with the company performance.
The company blamed much of the poor performance in November and December on unseasonably warm weather.
The company needs to improve performance in all these areas.
The mood at the company is buoyant: in addition to the satisfaction of having bounced back so convincingly, Nokia's strong financial performance meant big bonuses for many employees.
Performance monitoring is also important within the company: it tracks the performance of individual teachers to see which ones do best as personal tutors or as subject teachers.
For a company looking at the cloud as a service, it provides flexibility in both capacities and performance without the need for large up front capital expenses.
His personal fortune and philanthropic efforts were directly affected by Wang Corporation's performance: When the company suffered, so did the Institute.
They claim to have identified the drivers of company performance, but they have mainly shown the way that high performers are described.
During a recent customer engagement, I found that the company had mistakenly believed "bigger pool sizes equal better performance" and increased the pools from their default values.
The financial analysis tool allows an executive to analyze the performance of departments and the company as a whole.
TEWKSBURY, Mass. | The U. S. Navy has awarded Raytheon Company (NYSE: RTN) two contracts that extend the company's legacy of performance and support for the Aegis weapons system.
By collecting and combining competency information, you can create a standardized approach to performance that's clear and accessible to everyone in the company.
FlexMonkey 5 represents a major re-write of the FlexMonkey tool, resulting in better performance and increased reliability, according to the company.
New Relic announced that 37signals—the company behind Ruby on Rails—uses their Ruby on Rails performance management solution RPM to keep the performance of their applications humming.
NewRelic公司宣布37signals—RubyonRails背后的公司—使用了他们提供的Ruby on Rails性能监控器RPM来保证其应用的正常运转。
The company does not disclose details on the Journal's performance, but executives there say that like the rest of the industry, they have seen a significant decline in advertising revenue.
Prepare well in advance and be equipped with how your performance has helped the company and how you plan to do so again in the future.
The company will also continue its performance-based logistics support, including spares and repairs for Aegis weapons systems used by the U.S. Navy and Coast Guard.
The company will also continue its performance-based logistics support, including spares and repairs for Aegis weapons systems used by the U.S.Navy and Coast Guard.
The company will also continue its performance-based logistics support, including spares and repairs for Aegis weapons systems used by the U. S. Navy and Coast Guard.
The energy company also informed its employees that it would link bonuses in the fourth quarter solely to their performance on a range of safety and operational risk-management measures.
It means fewer dollars in the coffers for your raises, no better performance for your company, and more unemployed workers, rather than new hires who could help you with your growing workload.
To better predict revenue, the company implemented quotas for ad-sales representatives and tied the pay of more employees to performance, these people said.
To better predict revenue, the company implemented quotas for ad-sales representatives and tied the pay of more employees to performance, these people said.