The MMI threshold count can be lowered to speed up JIT compilation of a method or increased to achieve an opposite effect.
When the threshold count for a method reaches zero (0) the method becomes eligible for compilation into native code by JIT.
The compilation process occurs when the method is actually run, and the compilation techniques employed depend on analysis of the actual method during execution.
If there is no return statement, then the evaluation of the last statement in the method is returned (if it can be, if not Scala returns a compilation error.)
You'll get a compilation error on the second method because the two methods will have an identical signature after type erasure.
The second message indicates that compilation has completed, and the hexadecimal address represents the starting offset of the machine code that will be executed each time the method is invoked.
This line visits the AST tree, starting at the compilation unit (the top-most node), and queries for a list of all method declarations.
The method is instead added to a compilation queue, and the thread is allowed to continue running and execute the non-compiled version of the method.
This tells the compilation and linking system that the implementation for this method will be from the native code.
For instance, by including or excluding the logging aspect described earlier from a compilation, the application builder can add or remove method tracing from the Cactus framework.
例如,通过在编译中包含或排除先前描述的日志记录a spect,应用程序构建器可以在Cactus框架中添加或除去方法跟踪。
It therefore must conclude that the argument is of type Box, which will cause a compilation error after method resolution because Box is not assignable to Box.
This paper presents a method of implementing separate compilation for PASCAL and discusses the related issues.
Introduction to the concepts, compilation method and USES of the chain volume measures of GDP.
This paper presents a design technology from a compilation view for embedded DSP processors. Under the guidance of this method, it designs a 16 bits DSP core.
The method and procedures of compilation of site index table were introduced in detail for cottonwood clones in Guichi.
The deep analysis of the NMEA0183 protocol structure and the compilation technology characteristic leads to the method for parsing NMEA0183 protocol using the compilation technology.
Unresolved compilation problems: No enclosing instance, Private method from the class is not visible, this$0 cannot be resolved.
Hence, the method to be wrapped must match the signature of the delegate, otherwise would end up with a compilation error.
The invention provides a text cooperative method, a system and touch screen equipment, which are applicable to the technical field of text compilation.
In this paper the compilation of new general planning of urban civil defense engineering was investigated and the theory and method for the compilation were suggested.
This paper discusses the shortcomings of hand - made order list of athletic sports meet and introduces the method of designing the order list by computer compilation and its main features.
Statistics department should further improve the CPI compilation method according to the structure change of residents' consumption.
Statistics department should further improve the CPI compilation method according to the structure change of residents' consumption.