He has stopped his translation of The Complete Works of William Shakespeare.
I have the complete works of Shakespeare.
Do you like The Complete Works of Shakespeare?
She found the complete works of William Shakespeare at his bed.
The 1981 edition of the Complete Works of LU Xun is the authoritative version.
His most recent recording is the complete works for solo piano by Arnold Schoenberg for Arcana.
Plato. The Complete Works of Plato. Vol. 2. Trans. Wang Xiaozhao. Beijing: People's Press, 2003.
This article deals with certain aspects of the Complete Works of Opera of the Yuan Dynasty compiled by Prof.
You may use any modern edition, either of the Complete Works or of the individual plays as your reading text.
Shakespeare, William. ?The Complete Works of Shakespeare?. Vol. 4. Trans. Zhu Shenghao. Beijing: China Drama Press, 1996.
Nov. 4. Maurizio Cattelan: All will present the complete works of this Italian trickster at the Guggenheim Museum in New York.
Fisher told me that her current boyfriend has read the complete works of Shakespeare aloud to her in bed, as well as some Dickens and Ibsen.
The complete works of Song, the complete and most valuable materials in the study of Song culture, is the largest anthology of works in different times.
such as The Complete Works of Carnaiky, Series of Goat-skin Bound Books,Autobiographies of World Leaders, The Stories of World Financial Tycoons, etc, etc.
We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the complete works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know that is not true.
By analysing the Complete Works of Shakespeare they developed an app that helps turn your text messages into Shakespearean prose by predicting the playwright's best known phrases.
Nor did the surveys distinguish between those who read the complete works of Proust or Dickens and those who read one Nora Roberts novel or a single piece of fan fiction on the Internet.
When the application issues any database requests, such as a SQL query, the agent goes out and performs all the tasks that are required to complete the query - It works on behalf of the application.
Although it took 150 years to complete, the Difference Engine No. 2 works exactly as Babbage planned, computing - and even printing - table after table of super-accurate data.
The central concept of a complete spec is that anyone can take the spec and write a browser that works with any content that conforms to spec.
While a complete description of how RPC works is outside the scope of this article, I feel it is important to mention the ways in which OpenLaszlo supports it.
The | | symbol works in the opposite way; if the first command does not complete successfully, then execute the second.
Actually we have Milton's commonplace book, his reading notes, and you can find it all in English translation in volume one of The Complete Prose Works of John Milton.
Actually we have Milton's commonplace book, his reading notes, and you can find it all in English translation in volume one of The Complete Prose Works of John Milton.