Of them the connective implication is easily mistaken.
Marfan's Syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects the connective tissue in the body.
The condenser throat of power plant is the connective unit between turbine and condenser.
Objective to investigate the histological effect of the connective tissue for filling materials.
The connective tissue between many of these categories is overseas markets, particularly emerging ones.
Attunement improves the connective ratios between the "Borderland" and the afterlife for a person.
The connective tissue attached to transplants severely interfered with their acceptance and growth.
Capillaries are small blood vessels, which act as the connective network between arteries and veins.
This is the connective tissue disease in the early mild performance of the TCM treatment is the best.
Objective: To explore the fine and ultra - architecture of the connective tissue fibers in pancreas and its significance.
Examples of the latter include the connective tissue disorders including rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus.
Collagens are a group of proteins in the dermis, the connective tissue layer of the skin, and are responsible for the strength of skin.
Glioma is a type of primary tumor that arises from the glial cells — the connective tissue cells that surround and support nerve cells.
Finally you'll see the connective tissue — the deployment plans and configuration files that tie everything together and make it all work.
Network model: geographical objects have been abstracted by chain and node etc. , pay attention to the connective relationship among them.
The compound from green tea also was found to suppress the inflammatory products in the connective tissue of people with rheumatoid arthritis.
The connective tissue framework of an organ, a gland, or other structure, as distinguished from the tissues performing the special function of the organ or part.
It assists in maintaining the elasticity and integrity of the connective tissue and assists in building, maintaining and repairing cartilage, tendons and ligaments.
The connective position between the gland and the stalk was reported, The clinical diagnostic significance of the pituitary shape and signal intensity were discussed.
Purpose: the purpose of this study is to assess the high-resolution ct (HRCT) findings and clinical significancy of the connective tissue diseases with lung involvement.
目的:分析结缔组织病肺部受累的高分辨率CT (HRCT)表现及临床意义。
MPS has an activating influence on the connective tissue metabolism. This caused different authors to investigate whether scar tissue is also favourably influenced by MPS.
Sulfur plays a critical role with the preservation of the elasticity and flexibility of the connective tissue, which protects and strengthens the joints, bones and cartilage.
Then, the spatial model and the spatial planning content of urban areas integration as well as the connective strategies of the regional spatial planning system are summed up.
The histopathological patterns consisted basically of reticular degeneration of the epidermis, inflammatory infiltration of the corium and proliferation of the connective tissue.
In the current study, 6 fixtures and 4 staining methods were used to demonstrate the effect of fixation and staining on the manifestation of the connective tissue mast cells of mice.
YinYoga targets the connective tissues, such as the ligaments, bones, and even thejoints of the body that normally are not exercised very much in a more activestyle of asana practice.
YinYoga targets the connective tissues, such as the ligaments, bones, and even thejoints of the body that normally are not exercised very much in a more activestyle of asana practice.