Seller retains the ownership to the Goods until Buyer has paid the Contract Price in full.
Bpayment of any such Cost plus reasonable profit, which shall be included in the Contract Price.
For the purpose of payment of the contract price, payments will be made in the amount and currency.
However, in any case, the liquidated damages for late delivery shall not exceed 3% of the Contract price.
The paper makes an exploration into the nature, formation and realization of the contract price of building products.
The payment of the Contract Price shall be made in accordance with the manner and schedule provided in the Sales Contract.
As a result, the seller was found to be entitled to the difference between the contract price and the substitute sale price.
Chinese peanuts 1000 metric tons, gross for net, the seller may decrease shorts spill by 5%, part of the contract price calculation.
During the process of construction, the contract price adjustments can't be avoided, and it is usually the focus of contract dispute.
The spot price, which includes freight and insurance, is about 107 percent higher than the contract price for Australian ore, Goldman said.
Contract price "means the price defined in Sub-Clause 14.1 [the Contract price], and includes adjustments in accordance with the Contract."
For example, the net realisable value of the quantity of inventory held to satisfy firm sales or service contracts is based on the contract price.
The part of the contract price shall be paid in USD by way of an irrevocable Letter of Credit against presentation by Contractor to the negotiable bank.
If the reference date, because of the countries in which the legislative changes lead to changes in costs, the contract price should be adjusted accordingly.
If the Contractor's priced proposals for an acceleration are accepted by the Employer, they are incorporated in the Contract price and treated as a Variation.
In the end, provides the coping strategy to the contract price adjustment coursed by the difference of quantities under the condition of the lump sum contract.
Each Provisional Sum shall only be used, in whole or in part, in accordance with the Engineer's instructions, and the Contract Price shall be adjusted accordingly.
Each Provisional Sum shall only be used, in whole or in part, in accordance with the Employer's instructions, and the Contract Price shall be adjusted accordingly.
Chinese spot prices, having traded above the contract price for five years, have crashed from $186 a tonne in July to $80 a tonne today and continue to slide (see chart).
BOQ existing valuation methods, the project completed by the contract price settlement in general, materials transfer and visa poor claim is composed of three parts.
The Contractor shall then be entitled to compensation for the loss he suffers because of the Purchaser's default. The compensation shall not exceed the Contract Price.
Under the "more or less" clause, the payment for the over-load or under-load will be made according to the contract price or at the market price at the time of shipment.
The Employer hereby covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of defects therein the Contract Price.
In case of any late delivery caused by the Seller itself, for every one week, the Seller shall pay 1% of the Contract price to the Buyer as liquidated damages for late delivery.
In addition, this paper analyzes the relationship between the BOQ and contract price under different BOQ modes, and analyzes the contract price risk under different contract modes.
In addition, this paper analyzes the relationship between the BOQ and contract price under different BOQ modes, and analyzes the contract price risk under different contract modes.