Upon what are its bases grounded? Or who laid the corner stone thereof.
In 1994 the corner stone to the "Ilana Goor Museum" in Old Jaffa, Israel was set.
Through integrative efforts, it can help the enterprise to create great value at the lowest cost and will become the corner stone of optimum strategy.
"Doctrine of privity of contract" has been the unshakable credendum of the classical contract law and has been treated as the corner stone of contract rule and system.
The third building block of this construction, the corner stone, was the legal framework including copyright, which insured the solidity of the rest of the construction.
One thing is for sure, a Chinese director and his crew, along with a group of topnotch Chinese actors have taken one of the corner stone genres in Chinese cinema into the heart of another culture.
He was about to inquire further when he noticed her gaze drift to another corner of the cemetery, past a set of stone stairs that led down to the shade of an oak towering above more markers.
Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded.
Unto you therefore which believe he is precious: but unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner.
And have ye not read this scripture; the stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner.
There, in front of the door, young men mounted on the stone corner-posts, distributed arms.
"Oh, if I were only a prince!" said the stone-cutter to himself, as the carriage vanished round the corner.
Every evening it crept trustfully into its corner against the stone breast of the image, and the darkling eyes seemed to keep watch over its slumbers.
每晚,它慢慢爬回小窝,那里正对着石头雕像的胸口,小鸟心中满是信任与安全感。 石头雕像那双漆黑的眼睛似乎一直都在看顾着它的酣眠。
The Resurrection Stone slipped from between his numb fingers, and out of the corner of his eyes he saw his parents, Sirius, and Lupin vanish as he stepped forward into the firelight.
Around the corner from the kitchen, we see this cozier relaxing space filled with stone flooring and more timber, centered on a grand piano.
Risk control is a corner stone of modern micro-finance and also one of the core functions of modern commercial banks, thus having a vital significance in the management of commercial bank.
That's wonderful. He is killing two birds with one stone. Sir, please turn right at the next corner. Ands at the taxi stand.
A stone at the corner of a building uniting two intersecting walls; a quoin.
Ok. Next thing is laying the corner-stone for the new plant at 10 AM. At 12 AM, back here for lunch.
In according with our principle "quality and Service first", our vision is to spread quality Iranian stone products to every corner of the world.
Acts 4:11 This is the stone which was considered as nothing by you, the builders, which has become the head of the corner.
Since 1999, the launch and circulation of Euro has not only had far-reaching influence over international monetary system, but also becomes a corner stone in the process of European integration.
The folding surfaces of stone wall create vivid shadow and the obtuse angle stone makes the corner look more firm and powerful.
Shepherd picked up a piece of stone-throwing in the past, the goats were lucky to interrupt the corner.
Beacon Corner Swan Lake is located ancient ruins Gushan Yandun China Sea islands and the first stone - spotted a Yellow Sea between the stones Gulf, an area less than one square kilometers.
Beacon Corner Swan Lake is located ancient ruins Gushan Yandun China Sea islands and the first stone - spotted a Yellow Sea between the stones Gulf, an area less than one square kilometers.