It is a grievous theological error to confuse the covenant of works with the covenant of grace.
The covenant of grace was inaugurated post-lapsum and is to be distinguished sharply from the covenant of works.
The sole ground of justification is the fulfillment of the condition of the covenant of works by Christ in his active and passive obedience.
Post-lapsum the terms of the covenant of works continue to obligate all rational creatures and must be perfectly fulfilled personally or vicariously.
The sole object of justifying faith is Christ the Surety of the covenant of redemption for us, and the fulfillment of the covenant of works for us, and the Mediator of the covenant of grace to us.
The prelapsarian covenant may be called a covenant of works in respect to its terms, a covenant of life in respect to its goals and a covenant of nature in respect to its setting.
The prelapsarian covenant may be called a covenant of works in respect to its terms, a covenant of life in respect to its goals and a covenant of nature in respect to its setting.