In celebrating the New Year, Rosh Hashanah celebrates the creation of the world.
God held counsel with it at the creation of the world, since it was wisdom itself Tan.
Who has seen the creation of the world? It may even be without a beginning, always existing.
Chinese traditional poetry and paintings had formed causes since the creation of the world by means of Chinese characters.
Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world.
To create an idea for a building which never exists and realize it, can even let me get the insight on the creation of the world!
The whole dwarven storyline of them trying to plumb the depths of their origins and how that ties into the creation of the world.
Products derived from communication, communication and the creation of the world, look forward to your cooperation and communication!
We can think about the creation of the world as incomplete and human beings, indeed all living beings, as making choices left open to probability.
This desert is the biggest, jolliest ball-room floor that ever was, and I dare say we shall be the first to waltz on it since the creation of the world.
And the creation of the World Trade Organization in 1995 ensured that countries would be held accountable for their commitments to open markets and lower barriers.
Those who study the process of the creation of the world literary masterpieces deal with writers as well as works, therefore t they play a dual role of solving a riddle.
Then the king will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world.
For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.
If we look at one of the ancient Greek creation stories, the world was originally Chaos.
He also calls for the creation of a new agricultural emergency law to help mitigate the drop in world demand and prices for primary products.
When you walk through this gateway, holding the vision of new life on Earth, you align with the forces of all Creation, and a high level of Unity fills your world.
The truth is more sinister: the world was a creation of the artificially intelligent computers that have taken over the Earth and have subjugated mankind in the process.
It is rarely noted that the financial wreckage littering our world is the creation, almost exclusively, of men, not women.
The disintegration of the world is creation in reverse: an apocalypse upside down but sprung from similar impulses.
The status of a new creation is determined not by the rating given to it by critics but by the degree to which it is linked to the rest of the world.
This year we're working on the creation of jobs in America and around the world.
Wasn't that the point of the creation - to communicate something to the world?
Yet it is a world that keeps alive the sense of continuing creation and of the relentless drive of life.
The importance of remote cooperative creation became obvious - many volunteer designers and builders from around the world put thousands of hours into creating this environment.
The importance of remote cooperative creation became obvious - many volunteer designers and builders from around the world put thousands of hours into creating this environment.