Wu Mi was the key figure of the Critical Review. This thesis mainly discusses his true involvement in this jounal to show his perseverance…
Finally, we will review what we consider to be critical factors to ensure the success of a globally distributed project.
The Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) team has announced the successful completion of Critical Design Review (CDR) for the Airborne, Maritime/Fixed Station Joint Tactical Radio System (AMF JTRS).
For text data such as name, address, and product descriptions, a review of the varying data formats is critical to identify fields containing multiple domains.
With the critical design review phase completed, the program is on schedule to deliver the embedded communications capability.
The program's initial critical design review is complete and the current contract phase is focused on system development, qualification, and certification.
A critical review might leave you upset and emotionally charged, which is not the best state of mind in which to take decisions on your future.
Review editors need to marshal the thousands of comments they receive on drafts into clear critical arguments, and the authors need to respond to those arguments fully.
That's why it is critical to implement governance and compliance as early as possible and to make sure that consistent code review processes are followed throughout the organization.
You will review each of the activities on the critical path and identify the potential risks that could put your schedule in jeopardy.
The recommendations were based on a critical review of studies, particularly those published since the two groups' last guidelines, in 2002.
The research, published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, is the first study to comprehensively review gene changes in rhinovirus.
This class, required of all Master of architecture students, presents a critical review of works, theories, and polemics in architecture in the aftermath of World War II.
While not critical to the review, visitors look for clues to the purpose of a site.
It is not meant to be a critical review like the ones you'd find in a magazine.
This thesis reviews the literature of implicit and explicit knowledge and gives a critical review to the studies measuring the two types of knowledge through grammaticality judgment test (GJT).
This current paper gives a critical review on theories of first language acquisition and second language learning, and gives a further introduction on the logical problems of the two.
Through the Black Mountain Review and his own critical writings, he helped to define an emerging counter-tradition to the literary establishment.
The review on the view of Contemporary literature caused by depression of current literature is a major tendency for the critical circles and the scientific and learned circles in recent years.
This review proposed several related critical problems in view of the cellular inorganic chemistry and discussed them from the following aspects.
The review process of critical heat flux calculation correlation FC-2000, the main review issues and opinions are introduced, and the restrictions to the application of FC-2000 are given.
A critical review on the potential application of artificial neural network in membrane fouling research is given, and the prospect of artificial neural network in membrane bioreactor is pointed out.
Chapter One presents a literature review of the related theories that have studied news English as a discourse, including Critical Linguistics and Critical discourse Analysis.
The literature review is a body of text that aims to review the critical points of current knowledge on a particular topic.
This paper studies the sensitivity of non-critical process in program evaluation and review technique (PERT) network.
This paper has conducted a critical review of methods for evaluating Scientific research, focussing on the comparative analysis between expert judgement and Scientometrics.
The first paragraph should give a brief summary of the paper. The second paragraph should provide a brief and critical review of the paper's strengths and weaknesses.
The EFT-1 data will also be a key driverduring Orion's key Critical Design Review (CDR) that will follow the testflight in the middle of 2015.
在猎户座的关键设计评审(CDR),将按照该EFT-1的数据也将是一个关键的驱动程序 测试飞行,在2015年的中期。
AMS Machinery Manager provides instant review of the condition of critical mechanical equipment, making this value-added information readily available to key decision-makers in the facility.
AMS Machinery Manager provides instant review of the condition of critical mechanical equipment, making this value-added information readily available to key decision-makers in the facility.