"By 1988, I thought we had developed the best measurement approach, controls and so on of any crude oil purchaser in the industry," Koch said.
"How can the oil industry need a dollar in the days of $100 crude oil?" says John Berger, CEO of Standard Renewable Energy.
对此,标准可再生能源(Standard Renewable Energy)的首席执行官约翰•伯杰(John Berger)的看法是:“在原油价格达到每桶100美元的今天,石油工业会需要1美元吗?”
Development of demulsification techniques for crude oil emulsion is one of the most important research topics in petroleum industry.
Nowadays, in oil industry of our country all of the deemulsifiers used in the oil and water separating of the crude oil are chemical deemulsifiers.
The decolorizing capability of PRHA for soybeans crude oil was 3 times as much as that of activated attapulgite commonly used in vegetable oil industry.
The project of coal-based fuel will face price risks both from the international crude oil market and the local coal market, and risks of RMB exchange rate and national industry policy.
Although the production of crude oil grows rather slowly in recent years. the onshore oil re - mains to be the main resource for Chinese petroleum industry.
Tall oil pitch, which is the residual mixture in the extraction process to produce fatty acid and resin from crude tall oil and is also a by-product of paper-making industry.
The residual mixture in the extraction process to produce fatty acid and resin from crude tall oil which is a by-product of paper-making industry, is called tall oil pitch.
The aggregate supply control over petrochemical industry has been basically achieved and the demand and supply of crude oil, product oil and main petrochemical products are balanced on the whole.
Thus, it seems, the exploitation of crude oil, transmission oil industry all over the world are facing major problems.
Thus, it seems, the exploitation of crude oil, transmission oil industry all over the world are facing major problems.