The complicacy of the crust and upper mantle disclosed by deep seismic sounding;
In the crust and upper mantle, the density is characterized by lateral and vertical heterogeneity.
This paper deals with the ductile shear zones and their deformed rocks in the crust and upper mantle.
The results show that the crust and upper mantle structures present obvious lateral and vertical inhomogeneity.
Moho depth within the crust and upper mantle, high conductivity layer depth and heat flow values have close relations.
The result shows that the density distribution of the crust and upper mantle along this profile is evidently heterogeneous.
Study to the relation between strong earthquakes and S-wave velocity structures in the crust and upper mantle in the studied area.
The S wave velocity structure is inferred from the receiver function for the crust and upper mantle of the Wudalianchi volcano area.
可以推断,从接收器功能的S波速度结构 五大连池火山区地壳和上地幔的。
The occurrence of strong earthquakes is related to the local uplifts and depression of the high conductivity layers in the crust and upper mantle.
This paper introduces a result of 2-d density structure of the crust and upper mantle in Luyang-Haicheng-Donggou DSS profile using the DSS data obtained from the profile.
Based on the data of focal mechanism solutions, and velocity structure in the crust and upper mantle, we have investigated the recent tectonics with relation to the origin of the plateau.
This method USES the speeds of seismic waves from distant earthquakes to map features of the crust and upper mantle in 3-d-similar to the way medical CT scans use x-rays to map the human body.
这个方法使用来自远地地震的地震波的速度以绘制地壳和上地幔的3 - D图像- - -和医学CT扫描仪用X射线绘制人体的方法相似。
As the boundary between crust and upper mantle, it is closely related with the separation and regulation of deep matter and the movement and coupling of shallow and deep substance.
Regional seismic wave carries lots of information about structural variations in the crust and the upper mantle.
Isostatic gravity anomaly shows the character of middle - short wavelength, reflects unbalance of crust and upper mantle and dynamical character of substance adjusting.
Scientists call this layer of crust and upper mantle the lithosphere.
The results indicate that the continental crust and upper mantle exhibit significant differences in reflection characteristics, which are related to tectonic units and regions.
In the upper mantle, or crust, there is water hiding in the tiny pores of certain "hydrous" minerals - in clay, in mica - and when conditions are right, that water can be squeezed out.
It is a porphyry copper-silver-tin deposit that occurs in the transitional crust and was formed by derivatives of the lower crustal-upper mantle transitional magma.
The volcanic rocks resulted from upper mantle in Mesozoic group, and volcanic rocks from lower crust in Palapene system.
The volcanic activities have relations to the heat-flow upwelling, crust thinning, upper mantle and lower crust melting, and upward movement of the melt materials along the block boundaries.
It is a mixture of crust and mantle materials which resulted from the upwelling and transporting of the upper mantle material.
It is pointed out that there is a close relation between the lateral variation of elastic waves velocities that propagate in the crust or upper mantle and the lateral regime in the same medium.
The difference of arrival times between such PS and pp waves can be used to determine the structures in the earth's crust and upper mantle.
Finally, the characteristics of shear velocity distribution in the crust and the upper mantle obtained by inversion has been discussed.
The metallogenic source material comes from the upper mantle and the lower crust.
Asthenosphere uplift indicates the deep adjustment process during the interaction of plates, and also shows the adjusting process of gravitational equilibrium between upper layer of crust and mantle.
The intrusive is believed to be syntectic type with its diagenetie materials derived from the lower crust and upper mantle.
Finally, it is given here the velocity distribution in the crust and in the upper mantle together with a model of the crust.
Finally, it is given here the velocity distribution in the crust and in the upper mantle together with a model of the crust.