The current page selected in the URL to use before the URI.
ViewScope variables last for the duration of the current page.
In the next step, query the HTM related details for the current page.
It USES the HTTP GET method to refresh the current page with extra parameters.
The browser explicitly requests chunks of data used to update the current page.
Relative URLs are permitted and are resolved against the URL of the current page.
These are the words at the top of the browser window that describe the current page.
You can debug the current page, all pages on the site, or the operation of a single form.
The Components view, which is shown in Figure 7, lists the components on the current page.
Each page is labeled at the bottom, showing the current page number, such as "page 12 of 15".
Often, the data request on the current page is based on the response data from previous pages.
Each page name is displayed in the drop-down window with the initial focus on the current page.
But in addition, Songbird displays a pane on the bottom that lists all tracks found on the current page.
On the first page, you can select one of the available JPA Managers that you want to use in the current page.
When invoked, it opens a window over the current page, and contextual links and information start being populated.
The first line displays the current page number, and the second line displays the new value for EDLEVEL column.
As you can guess from its name, the Stats view-shown in Figure 6-shows statistical data about the current page.
One special screen template, the Home screen template, contains information on how the current page is composed.
When a user is navigating through the portal, the currently selected navigation node is needed to render the current page.
Both buttons then send back HTML for the page defined as "Next page (success or cancel)" in the properties for the current page.
然后两个按钮都在当前页面的属性中返回被定义为“Nextpage (successorcancel)”的页面HTML。
Another disadvantage of Ajax - since the address URL doesn't reload, your visitor can not send the current page to their friends.
To avoid an infinite loop, the restore request should be sent only when the current page was generated in response to a GET request.
Fragments that are retrieved from a cache to be aggregated into a portal page then need to be made aware of the current page context.
Instead, the browser will have an asynchronous call to the server to obtain the data and refresh only specific parts of the current page.
Then, it could react on the content complete event (page finished loading) and publish the title of the current page to the property broker.
In order to render a page for a user, aggregation needs to determine the current page for the user, and which resources reside on this page.
First, when the user clicks the Grab toolbar button, you want it to search the current page for microformats and store the first one it finds.
The form page can also contain a check box that allows the user to enable and disable the auto-saving feature for the current page (see Listing 15).
For example, your data layer will need to return all of the data and then the DataGrid will filter all the displayed records based on the current page.
For example, your data layer will need to return all of the data and then the DataGrid will filter all the displayed records based on the current page.