Chang'e 4 is the first lunar probe in history that has successfully landed on the "dark" side of the moon.
Although it is often regarded as the dark side of the moon, the far side actually gets as much sunshine as the near side.
The dark side of the moon has captured imaginations since we first stepped foot there over 40 years ago.
After that illustrious pairing, Pink Floyd and Hipgnosis collaborated together on every major album the band made, including Dark Side of the Moon, Wired's choice for best concept album ever.
There may not be aliens on the far side of the moon, but there are still many questions about it that we are still in the dark about, like why does the crust appear thicker on the far side?
When Nansen and Johansen returned to Norway in the summer of 1896, they might as well have been returning from the dark side of the moon.
As NASA continues to explore the far side of the moon, people will no doubt continue to be fascinated by the "dark" side and continue to look for answers to illuminate its mystery.
Then again, I would never have thought to turn the volume down to "Wizard of Oz" and play "Dark Side of the Moon" instead..
The ring may answer the riddle of another moon, Iapetus, which has a bright side and a very dark side.
这道光环也可以解开另一个卫星“土卫八” (Iapetus)的迷团。 “土卫八”一侧发光,另一侧很暗。
Passers-by watch as Sky Arts pays tribute to Pink Floyd's Dark Side Of The Moon album cover, on Primrose Hill, London
Pink Floyd would reach greater heights, notably on Dark Side Of The Moon, but with The Piper…they managed to capture the essence of 1960s psychedelia perfectly. JiH
Wright played the keyboard with the legendary band and wrote music for classic albums Dark Side Of The Moon and Wish You Were Here.
赖特在这支传奇的乐队中负责弹奏键盘,曾为经典专辑《Dark Side Of The Moon》(《月之暗面》)、《Wish YouWere Here》(《希望你在这里》)作曲。
Pink Floyd would reach greater heights, notably on Dark Side Of The Moon, but with The Piper…they managed to capture the essence of 1960s psychedelia perfectly.
From a giant portal behind the dark side of the moon aliens starts an attack on earth.
These include a 2018 mission to send the first probe in history to land on the "dark side" of the moon, whose extraordinary geology is largely unexplored.
比如,中国将在2018年向月球背面发射探测器——月球背面的奇特地貌大部分还未被探索过。 它也将成为人类历史上首颗在月球背面着陆的探测器。
These include a 2018 mission to send the first probe in history to land on the "dark side" of the moon, whose extraordinary geology is largely unexplored.
比如,中国将在2018年向月球背面发射探测器——月球背面的奇特地貌大部分还未被探索过。 它也将成为人类历史上首颗在月球背面着陆的探测器。