The data download delivers lots of useful raw data - even more could be added as there is no download for the parts currently on sale.
This approach not only lets anyone download the raw data, but also enables them to query it for whatever they have in mind.
Clients can now request a subset of the payload to minimize download times, or perhaps retrieve the data sorted.
The only way to eliminate, or at least minimize, the disruption in workflow caused by server lag is to download data and functionality directly to the user's computer.
But you can't download and run the software yourself or even download the data displayed see the FAQ reply to "can I download the data?"
The new chip can download data twice as fast and can handle graphics seven times faster, making it better for videogames, Apple said.
If you want to delve further into the detail you can download the data in spreadsheet format.
Now the lab is making it easy for researchers to download and use not just data processed for meteorologists, but the unfiltered data as well.
Next, populate the tables with initial data using the IXFs provided in the download file.
Set a reasonable limit on the amount of data that you require the user to download based on your user base's connection metric (for example, dialup, high-speed, and so on).
That way, the device responds quicker than it would if it had to download the data for triangulation each time from Apple, or wait a minute or so for the faint signal from a passing GPS satellite.
The data logger could download the measurements to a computer, and I could see the results in graphs.
You will want to create some sample data using the supplied script (see the Download section).
The sample data and all updates shown in this article are available for download as a text file in the Download section.
可以通过下载 下载部分中的文本文件获得本文使用的示例数据和所有更新。
By carefully assigning user rights you can authorise users so that they can modify their own data and can only enquire or download data created by other users in the project.
When those users' devices check in with the social network, they download the data and decrypt it to reveal the photo.
DB2: Download the test drive of DB2 9.5 data server.
DB 2:下载DB 2 9.5数据服务器的测试驱动程序。
At Berkeley, Mr Smith's team is working with Vodafone, a mobile-phone company, on a wireless gadget that allows researchers on motorcycles to download the data from stoves.
The PEAR Pager package: Download this tool to add data from array as input and specify the parameters that divide it into pages.
For basic visualization of physical databases, the no-charge Data Studio download does include physical overview diagrams.
While AWS is incredibly reliable, it’s not perfect, which is also why you can download the data from Lifestream Backup.
即使亚马逊网络服务非常可信赖,它仍然不是完美的,这也是为什么你能从Lifestream Backup下载数据。
A link to download the Data Server Driver is located in the Resources section of this article.
The script test_multi_row.sql available in the download section runs the two different approaches with the same set of data.
下载一节中提供的脚本test _ multi_row . sql用同样的一组数据运行两种不同的方法。
GRplistController generates a plist dictionary file in the user's data storage directory to store the locations and last download dates of cached plists keyed to the remote URL.
The Ruby scripts that are used to upload and download users' data are also the clients of RESTful Web services. The Ruby script downloadUsers.rb
用于上传和下载用户数据的Ruby脚本也是REST 风格的Web服务的客户机。
Full support for ADB and XMLBeans data binding is included in the download.
Load the data file bmw-training.arff (see Download) into WEKA using the same steps we've used up to this point.
使用我们之前使用过的相同步骤来将数据文件bmw - training . arff(参见下载)载入WEKA。
If you wish to install only the no-charge features of Data Studio Developer, you must download the 30-day Data Studio Developer trial.
如果希望只安装DataStudioDeveloper的免费特性,必须下载Data Studio Developer免费30天试用版。
Use the sample scripts and data provided in the accompanying zip file (see Download section) to demonstrate the concepts in this tutorial.
What happens if you need to upload or download data between your workstation and the remote host?