In Ecuador, yacon tuber is a holiday favorite on the Day of the Dead, and Brazilians call yacon tuber their "diabetic potato."
Thus Iproceeded, while with the eyes of a man already dead, I contemplated the fluctuations of the day which would probably be my last, and watched the diffuse coming of night.
He excused his tiredness-it was the most humid day of his 29 years as a funeral director-and explained that he had been up since before sunrise to tend to the dead miner.
Then sentenced to death. On the day after Christmas in 1944, Villaplane, Lafont, Bonny and five others were taken to Fort de Montrouge on the outskirts of the city and shot dead.
As the day drew to a close, Norwegians continued to pay their tribute to the dead, adding to the carpet of flowers outside the cathedral.
Then Boaz said, "On the day you buy the land from Naomi and from Ruth the Moabitess, you acquire the dead man's widow, in order to maintain the name of the dead with his property."
The first was Feralia, a day in late October when the Romans traditionally commemorated the passing of the dead.
He probably earned a lot of money that day, and he paid the price: he returned to the hospital soon after and was dead within three months, at age 58.
Forty-four people were shot dead on Friday. On Saturday a further eleven were killed in the central city of Homs while attending funerals of those who died there the day before.
Aside from Halloween, Mexico's el Dia DE los Muertos (Day of the Dead) is perhaps the most known celebration of the departed by those in the U.S..
And there were certain men, who were defiled by the dead body of a man, that they could not keep the Passover on that day: and they came before Moses and before Aaron on that day.
On Inauguration Day, the crowd had to step over the bodies of the dead birds all along Pennsylvania Avenue.
After many years of planning, construction has finally begun on the Timeship Building, where thousands of frozen bodies will eventually be contained, in hopes to one day bring them back from the dead.
The bookseller's share price rose by 50% on the day of the deal-which tells you what investors think of the dead-tree end of the trade.
God wants us to know that His Son was resurrected from the dead on the third day to assure us of our own resurrection.
On the burial day, the master arrives at four in the morning, and draws two white flour lines outside the house of the dead, lines which are one meter apart.
Although afterwards the dead of the crane in cloud for that leaves a dust to put poison in, at the end of the day punctures and wounds the person of crane in cloud is her.
Besides the traditions of honoring the dead, people also often fly kits on Tomb Sweeping Day.
The only downside is that you wake up the next day feeling like a cast member of The Walking Dead.
In the hospital that day, the girl opens the window to breathe the fresh air, the girl found dead on the windowsill of dove!
In the hospital that day, the girl opens the window to breathe the fresh air, the girl found dead on the windowsill of dove!