With this weapon, the Death Star reduced Alderaan to rubble.
Tarkin never returned, having died in the explosion that consumed the Death Star.
In Return of the Jedi, footage from a New Hope was reused for the Death Star gunners.
Aach informed Senator Garm Bel Iblis of Organa's discovery of the Death Star project.
Later, the 501st were assigned with protecting the Death Star as it neared completion.
Remember, it was just a farm boy from a desert planet who ultimately destroyed the Death Star.
Together they flew in Red Squadron as they attacked the Death Star approaching the Rebel base.
Due to Leia's efforts, and the help of her companions, the Death Star was eventually destroyed.
Ackbar uncovered many Imperial projects that were thought to be classified, including the Death Star.
The Death Star was the code name of an unspeakably powerful and horrific weapon developed by the Empire.
This is the first time, however, that the phenomenon of the death star galaxy has been recorded so clearly.
At a meeting with Darth Vader, Palpatine, and Thrawn, Takel witnessed a holographic readout of the Death Star II.
As he convalesced, he admitted his guilt to TK-622 moments before the Death Star exploded at the Battle of Yavin.
弥留之际,他向TK- 622承认了自己的罪过,不一会儿,死星就在雅文战役中爆炸了。
The brief session was cut short as the Falcon emerged from hyperspace to find Alderaan destroyed by the Death Star.
The original and functional concept model of the Death Star emerged from Maw Installation, but was quickly defeated.
Grand Moff Tarkin was the Imperial governor of the Outland Regions, and a key figure in the development of the Death Star project.
To protect the Death Star, it was equipped with 10,000 turbo-laser batteries, 2,600 ion canons, and over 700 tractor beam projectors.
This center looks like the Death Star and consists of a spherical glass and steel nest and a very long, low building raised off the ground.
With the game selling over 2 million copies that means this sphere has killed more fictional things than the Death Star. And has no stupid flaw.
"Luke's initial dive into the Death Star, I've always thought, is a very interesting way how one would explore the surface of a cell," he said.
“Luke's initial dive into the Death Star, I've always thought, is a very interesting way how one would explore the surface of a cell,” he said.
Rieekan was off-planet, inspecting a new satellite transmission system in far orbit around the planet Delaya when the Death Star obliterated his home.
Armed with the Death Star plans, Leia was given a mission by her father to find one of the Republic's greatest heroes and recruit him into the Alliance.
The second Death Star's firing sequence differed as the central "eye" punched through the tributary beams, something the Death Star from Star Wars did not do.
A final known Shadow guard led the last line of defense of Palpatine's watchtower on the Death Star I, the guard grappled with Marek and had his neck snapped.
However, when the ambush backfired and the Death Star became critically damaged, Teshik attempted to escape the station, but was pinned beneath a fallen column.
Although it allowed him a great victory at Trasemene and prevented him from perishing aboard the Death Star II, frequent use caused him to become quite paranoid.
Nicknamed "Nemesis" or "the Death star," this undetected object could be a red or brown dwarf star, or an even darker presence several times the mass of Jupiter.
When Takel evacuated the Death Star II, he boarded the Chimaera, joining up with Captain Gilad Pellaeon and agreeing with his order to evacuate from the battlefield.
So next time you're debating leaving Jedi training to rescue your friends from Cloud City, remember who it was that shot down Darth Vader during the Death Star attack.