If you have been avoiding the decision-making process, why not break through that barrier right here and now?
Asking them questions about what they like about the backyard of a potential home will make them feel like they're being included in the decision-making process, Bailey said.
How will the enlargement process affect the decision-making process in the ECB?
In other cases, abundant data are generated, but never feed into the decision-making process.
To find out, Dr List and his colleagues made a computer model of the decision-making process.
At professional level match officials wear a communication system that assists the decision-making process.
Reporting directly to the CEO, the chief risk officer has great clout in the decision-making process of the company.
The prospect may also have engaged consultants or "coaches" that help the company with the decision-making process.
AHP provides a comprehensive structure to combine both quantitative and qualitative criteria in the decision-making process.
This option transfers the decision-making process about which level to plan from the process engineer to the project manager.
Social norms, traditions, and families often complicate the decision-making process and limit employment opportunities for women.
When you have a map, it takes emotion out of the decision-making process and allows you to reach your goals without falling behind.
I recommend that you briefly explain the decision-making process. It all helps the candidate to settle down and also shows a professional image.
Take a look around: Are you involved in the decision-making process concerning project budgets, prioritization, resources, and project selection?
The accounting information is primarily supplied to owners, managers and investors of every business, and other users to assist in the decision-making process.
When children are included in the decision-making process, they benefit because they can express their feelings and know that their parents are listening to them.
Another stark difference between general market sur-veys and the cloud adopters' perspective captured by our survey is the role of IT in the decision-making process.
As their records become more public and more important, companies are changing the decision-making process to accommodate the expectations of a better-informed public.
As a result Rudd has ignored the talent on his front bench, sidelined many ministers from the decision-making process and failed to use powerful voices in policy debates.
In this interview we discuss the process of choosing a web vulnerability scanner and underline several factors that should be taken into consideration in the decision-making process.
While they will make many cloud computing decisions jointly with business managers, executives, and end users, it leaders saw themselves as increasingly integral to the decision-making process.
At the vast majority of places, the essay is simply not a big variable in the college's decision-making process.
At the vast majority of places, the essay is simply not a big variable in the college's decision-making process.