From the energy standpoint, the amended EFGM equations has been got on the basis of have deduced the deformation energy include the CFRP.
The deformation significantly increases electron mobility, making it possible to boost computer speed and reduce energy consumption.
However, sometimes we can take advantage of plastic deformation. The crumple zones in a car absorb energy by undergoing plastic deformation before they break.
Contact, can be very good habit of foundation deformation; can absorb the energy from the external dynamic load, with excellent seismic function and anti shock ability.
The effect of these states on deformation magnitude, duration, and energy loss parameters was assessed.
By analyzing features of across fault measurement, the trend components of deformation can reflect the strength of strain energy accumulation in regional area.
Furthermore, the intrinsic mechanism of energy dissipation during the deformation and fracture of rocks can be disclosed by the research of meso damage mechanics.
Through the comparison of seismic wave attenuation and plastic strain, except for geometrical attenuation, the plastic deformation of coal and rocks is also contributing to energy consumption.
During the earthquake, the presence of a soft story increased deformation demands very significantly, and put the burden of energy dissipation on the first-story columns.
The results show the effective dissipation of the crash energy and the ordered deformation of the car-body structure, so that the reasonability and feasibility of the design are verified.
By studying on the calculation of minimum laser energy and the deformation experiment, the paper provides exactly a theoretical foundation for controlling and predicting deformation of sheet metal.
Impact test shows that the collision-proof equipment can reduce body deformation, absorb impact energy, and prolong impact time.
The experimental results also show that minimum energy calculation accords with critical value of deformation, and the deformation increases with the increase of laser energy in a nonlinear way.
The main reason producing error is analyzed when using deformation energy square calculates oblique collision speed.
This paper analyses the deformation characteristics of granular materials at critical state, and the deformation regulation is derived on the principle of energy equilibrium.
Toughness is the ability to absorb the energy of deformation before the fracture.
After determining the magnitude of the section factor by the energy method, the analytical results of deformation of beams, including the effect of shear, are given quantitatively.
The melting deformation area is dependent on the energy heating the contact surface, the meterial parameters and the deformation is identical with the welding probability.
The results show that the activation energy of deformation is connected with deformation condition, and it increases with the increase of strain rate.
According to the principle of the minimum potential energy the deformation of single tension pile and pile groups was analyzed using a modified variational approach.
The dynamic deformation and the energy absorption mechanism of cells with different geometrical topology under in-plane impact loading have been studied.
The simulation results show that the original design has some problems with regard to crashworthiness. Some parts had inefficient energy absorbing characteristics and improper deformation mode.
The geometric shape, deformation behavior description, energy equation and constraint equation of the filter is constructed.
The first-order derivative equal to zero of total potential energy with respect to the relative shear deformation of shear band leads to the equilibrium condition of elastic rock.
Based on the assumption, the computer was used to calculate the minimum deformation energy, and the speed distribution in the deformed area and the drawing force were gotten.
The influence of deformation parameters to deformation energy is discussed.
Basing on the above model of networks for TPUE and the mechanism of large deformation the elastic free energy of deformation for three kinds of networks were calculated.
The absorbed energy property and deformation characteristic of magnesium alloy under high strain rate loading are described.
It is proved that the equality of deformation powers and the equality of strain energy in case of linear elasticity are deduced from the present theory.
The results show that the plastic dissipation will be 1/3 of the input energy when plastic deformation occurs.