The design increased the degree of automation of distribution system.
The selection of covers thus determines the cost just as does the degree of automation in maintenance operations.
Thus using PLC programming to control the temperature of annealing furnace, it improves the degree of automation and control accuracy.
But there are still significant gaps in the machining accuracy, reliability; stability and the degree of automation go with the low-speed WEDM.
For example, we must rely on education if we want to raise the degree of automation in factories and have more scientific and technological personnel.
After setting the number of production, the machine can finish the output automatically, reducing the number of employees and increasing the degree of automation.
Inside, large high tech machinery equipment investment use, production, and constantly improve the degree of automation in composition content is more and more complicated;
Because of its high versatility and adaptability, industrial robot has been applied widely in industry. It increases the efficiency of production and the degree of automation.
The layout analysis module is the pre-processing part of the optical character recognition system. The accuracy of layout analysis directly affect the degree of automation of OCR.
If we apply the new technique survey sufficiently and effectively, we could promote the degree of automation in civil engineering greatly and control the quality of constructing well.
The aircraft used high-rate optical measuring system, equipped with a rotary encoder of the eyepiece micrometer will further enhance the process of measuring the degree of automation.
The production line has reached advanced domestic level on key technical indicators including filling speed, load precision, the degree of automation, control, purification production target.
Now the Instrumentation and Control System of interior nuclear power station mostly uses analog control, in which the precision of data displaying and the degree of automation are both lower.
A significantly increased degree of precision in the definition of the language: This is a result of the need to support the higher levels of automation required for MDD.
For UML models created with Rational Rhapsody, the TestConductor Add on provides all needed capabilities and a high degree of automation to help you create and execute model-based test cases.
对于使用RationalRhapsody所创建的uml模型,TestConductor Addon可以提供所有需要的功能以及高度的自动化操作形式,来帮助您创建和执行基于模型的测试用例。
This set have advanced technology, stable properties and highest degree of automation in new generation of the same internal equipment.
Also it is important to import parametric design to GCAD, since it can significantly improve the automation degree and efficiency of apparel enterprises.
In order to improve the automation degree of mechanization, in 1845, the American fitch invention turret lathe.
The automation equipment is characterized by a high degree of standardization. This ensures rapid production start-up and high plant availability while reducing maintenance to a minimum.
Iron making blastfurnace production process of high and low degree of automation, molten iron directly restrict the quantity and quality.
The method has high automation degree and quick judgment speed and offers definite foundation of further processing three dimensions state of tool wear.
Sensing devices automation check on parts of the manufacturing process such as the degree of heat or the thickness of a sheet of steel or paper.
The device has a high degree of automation, easy to adjust parameters, low labor intensity, no pollution, energy conservation and so on.
The system has a high - degree of automation, and is efficient in diagnose, easy to operate, proved to be a new generation of maintenance, test and diagnosis system for missile.
The simulation results show that the fuzzy Petri nets method is fast, practical and intuitional and increases the degree of decision automation and intelligence.
The simulation results show that the fuzzy Petri nets method is fast, practical and intuitional and increases the degree of decision automation and intelligence.