Each pattern description includes a context, problem statement, description of the consequences of the problem, solution, and solution rationale.
Value proposition - a description the customer problem, the product that addresses the problem, and the value of the product from the customer's perspective.
See Resources for a description of the double-checked locking problem and an an explanation of why the proposed algorithmic fixes don't work.
You have probably guessed from the tone of the above description that there is some problem lurking in here.
The problem is that the information is just a description of the certificate (information that is available in the public certificate).
Instead, programmers have been known to distort the user's description of what a problem is into a description of what the programmer would like the problem to be.
The problem is that he can only contribute a verbal description of the solution, perhaps augmented by diagrams he draws on a whiteboard.
Each result comprises a context (for example, the class that matches an anti-pattern), and a description of the problem.
Description explains why the finding is a potential problem, and provides a link to the instance of the violation of the best practice in your code.
A detailed description of the query problem, along with the desired query output or expected query behaviour.
PMRs require a description of the problem, the level of severity of the problem, and often also the relevant log files to help IBM Support understand your environment and debug the problem.
Summary: Brief description of the condition; this will be either OK or a textual string describing the highest-priority problem.
Leffingwell's observations of the problem, his advice on the solution, and his description of the resulting best practices come from experience: he's been there, done that, and has seen what's worked.
See if you can come up with a description of the problem in one or two sentences. Put it in clear, plain words that exactly state the real issue that sparked your anger.
Adding XPath expressions to the exception message, as shown in Listing 7, results in a more detailed description of the validation failure, which greatly simplifies locating the problem.
It supposed to provide an answer to the problem of growing volumes of data (2d and 3d) and integration to other sources of data. The following description is from Actify Centro website.
Please provide information that might help us correct the bug, like your Windows version, system Settings and a detailed description of the problem.
Presents a space motion model (SMM) of multiple rigid bodies with varying mass for the description of the intercept problem of homing missiles with roll stabilization.
Once again some of our corporate pension system too vague description of the existing problems, the only problem with the performance, but not from a perspective on the root causes of these problems.
The studying results realize formalizing description of the problem, and give a valid solving algorithm for it.
The concept and the method of membership and fuzzy comprehensive judgement are used to deal with the field knowledge description and the uncertain problem in diagnosing inference.
According to the standard form of MID system, the problem of mixed integer quadratic programming (MIQP) and its mathematics description can be obtained.
An abstraction is a description of the problem at some level of generalization that allows us to concentrate on the key aspects of the problem without getting Mired in the details.
Cutting stock problem has a wide spectrum of application. This paper gives a full description, classification and analyses the difficulty to solve the problem.
Through the description and analysis on case of rosiglitazone ischemic events, the article discusses the problem existing in US regulatory mode to provide reference for Chinas drug administration.
The method of using cubic spline function as fan characteristic curve fitting is introduced. The calculating example is provided and description is made for the specific problem.
The text main description fire department connection of establishment and the water supply 's problem, and bring up the solution with relating engineering instance.
Consider the problem on how to describe UML model using XML from the Angle of model transformation and regarding the result of XML description as XML model.
Movie is limited by many factors, such as the story historical background, the description of the senses, which is the biggest problem to movie producer.
A new multi-description video coding scheme based on distributed source coding is proposed to solve the drift problem of the multi-description video codec under packet loss channels.