It is of great importance to precisely appraise the mechanical characteristics and to provide credible design parameters of soils for the design of foundation engineering.
It is pointed out that the design of foundation engineering should be transformed from strength control to deformation control to meet the requirements by environment protection.
Your architecture is the foundation for all your design decisions, and architectural considerations can affect your ability to use some of the emergent design techniques I've discussed.
Here, the focus is on establishing a solid design foundation (the architecture) and mitigating the major risks of the project.
There, he learned various aspects of theater from lighting to set design, laying the foundation for his Hollywood career as a movie star, producer, director and writer.
There, he learned various aspects of theater from lighting to set design, laying the foundation for his Hollywood career as movie star, producer, director and writer.
The design document created here becomes the foundation of the configuration activities.
However, RUP has the principles of OOAD as its foundation, and therefore, does not lend itself easily to be aligned to SOA design.
A service repository is the foundation of enterprise SOA governance, supporting centralized management of all of services-related information, including design, implementation, and usage artifacts.
The analysis model describes the logical structure of the system; thus it is the foundation of the design model.
Nodes are the foundation for the architecture and design of the system-of-systems that comprise the operational enterprise.
The authors of the specification see the Repository as a foundation for managing services' lifecycle and foresee its usage for design time.
It offers a look at the basic fundamentals of graphic design to build a more solid foundation.
Based on the experience of the practical design, some measures of design and construction of foundation and shear wall in high-rise building are put forward in this paper.
Robust parameter design, proposed by Taguchi Doctor, is the cote theory foundation of quality engineering.
Here is the introduction of foundation design, superstructure design, out-stretching eaves design and anti-seism design of special-shape structure.
Using the encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism of OOP, a foundation class library of small satellite software is designed, the detail design of all base classes is introduced.
Combined with the structural design knowledge to improve analysis and design of foundation settlement of the capacity.
The paper states the particularity of the design of the urban Binjiang Road Sector in the design standards, structural form and foundation treatment etc.
The theory text only provides the framework and foundation for the subsequent documents and bills, which is helpful for the design of key information infrastructure.
The belt drive experiment is very important to engineering students in learning the curricula of "machine design" and "machine design foundation".
On the foundation of heoretical research , design a kind of new spurt type kitchen lampblack purification machine.
The paper studies and summarizes the design and construction of foundation of shaking table. The study engineering is practical and provides reference for other shaking table construction.
In this paper, the design, construction and monitoring of a highrise building foundation pit soil bolting are introduced, which gives a reference to the similar projects.
The art basis is the foundation of computer design, while computer is an advanced tool for making designs.
The art basis is the foundation of computer design, while computer is an advanced tool for making designs.