For architects, computer-aided design has become essential but in some ways has cheapened the design process.
Strategic Designers are experts of the design process.
Defining the design process, infrastructure components, and overall framework.
I once worked with a designer who insisted on using tables in the design process.
Brooks: the critical thing about the design process is to identify your scarcest resource.
The patterns are designed to help guide the design process, not to constrain it in any way.
I like the design process of a program and working out how the different parts of it interact.
So choosing the proper typography for your site is for sure a huge step of the design process.
The ability of 3-d printers to speed up the design process will have a big impact on industry.
3 - D打印机的功能加速了设计程序,这对工业有很大的影响。
Find out more about how sketching is used in the design process within multiple design disciplines.
The word "usability" also refers to methods for improving ease-of-use during the design process.
The issue of checks came to me as I was writing — yet another example of how the design process works.
In my experience, the design process stays the same, even though underlying technologies change over time.
This article looks at the qualities that make for a good utility and the design process that goes into it.
The important thing is to consider them early on in the design process, ideally at the sketching stage.
While this was not the driving reason for creating PDO, it certainly played a part in the design process.
A large project with a significant client budget will benefit from sketching throughout the design process.
We’ll break down every step of the design process, from choosing colors and images to using whitespace properly.
We'll break down every step of the design process, from choosing colors and images to using whitespace properly.
AlignSpace is not about redefining the people involved, but we enable people to join the design process sooner.
The dual qualities of tangibility and human-centeredness mean that the design process is very good at engaging others.
Often this is the starting point in the design process, and it can have a profound influence on everything that follows.
And having the freedom to fail and try again – being happy with failure during the design process and learning from it.
Letting go is the hardest, but they know where their value lies and when they can add this value in the design process.
In general, I believe Strategic Designers have a very unique approach to things, especially in regard to the design process.
One of the Numbers that always amazed me is what percentage of product cost is defined actually early in the design process.
The state data that an object must hold to implement those operations is usually irrelevant this early in the design process.
XAware also gives developers the option of starting the design process with XML Schemas, an approach known as top-down design.
借助于XAware,开发者可以通过XMLSchemas开始设计过程,这是一种top -down的设计方式。
If these personas can be satisfied during the design process, the majority of the wider user community will also be satisfied.
By creating and executing SketchUp scripts, you can automate the design process and potentially save yourself a great deal of time.