Unlike animals, who are born with most of the skills they will need for survival, humans are born only with the desire to learn and try.
And when I visit one of our EF English First schools in China, the energy and enthusiasm I consistently witness are indicative that the desire to learn English continues unabated.
在参观中国一家英孚英语培训学校(EF English First school)时,我总是感受到课堂中的热情和能量,证明他们学习英语的热情丝毫不减。
Everyone gets the itch to succeed, but only part of them can make their dreams come true. You maybe wonder:what is the key to success? The answer is "To keep the desire to learn".
The desire to learn drives people to the Internet; top areas are new subjects (68%), the world (65%), a disease or condition (61%), eating healthier (55%) and managing finances (37%).
Maybe it’s the new space I have to do sewing projects, or the new time I’ve found to myself, or just my desire to learn something new and create things from what I have.
This is not an easy lesson to learn, especially when we are young and think that the world is ours to command, that whatever we desire with the full force of our passionate being can nay will be ours.
Colorful events have been held for the China-EU Year of Youth. People of both sides share a stronger desire to learn more about each other.
My desire to live and to succeed is far greater than my fear of failure. The past is over, and all we can do is learn from them.
The fascination I felt at that moment has never really ended, nor the sense of wonder, or the desire to dive in and learn everything about this seemingly magical machinery.
I came back fascinated with that part of the world and had a very strong desire to learn Chinese more formally.
We understand their desire to learn more about the rebels - a disparate, disorganized and largely unknown group - before making that decision.
在做出这样的决定之前,我们理解他们想要从反叛军中获得更多消息的渴望- - -尽管反叛军是一支有所不同的,组织无序且充满未知的团伙。
We need to honor their desire to learn useful skills that are going to be relevant to the twenty-first century world.
On the whole an infant's desire to learn is so strong that parents need only provide opportunity.
Learn to look past each immediate, superficial wish to uncover the real, profound and fulfilling desire beyond it.
The only requirement is that you can play an instrument, or have a strong desire to learn.
They are active, aspirant and curious about the new things. The strong desire for knowledge promotes them to learn more about and meet the challenges of the world.
If the teaching is dull and boring without any attraction, no desire to learn will be aroused.
The body just began to feel like a dry run into dry fields had long been a desire to have long-mannose, happily singing, lively enough to learn the sweetness of the gift.
The disadvantages include the songs may not be the ones you desire to learn and the instruction is more general without any way of knowing where you are in your musical journey.
He finally met his childhood desire to detail the "spy" other people's items in order to learn about the People's Daily life.
I was impressed by her practical knowledge of the discipline of marketing and her desire to learn and know more.
Then you will learn to catch a dream that allows for the middle path of just enough to fulfill upon your heart's desire and through ho 'oponopono.
While you may have the desire to start shooting everything you see on the reef, in order to learn, you'll need to pick a starting point.
Echo has a great desire to travel the word, I wish for more people to learn from her smile.
Echo has a great desire to travel the word, I wish for more people to learn from her smile.