But the difference in price also represents linguistic currency.
We do not deny the quality of the color TV sets, but the difference in price is a wide gap.
Incidentally, the difference in price for the audio CD-R blanks is due to licensing agreements and volume.
It notes: 'The difference in price levels is particularly striking when comparing neighboring member states with similar income levels.
We do not deny that the quality of Chinese Kernels is slightly better, but the difference in price should, in no case, be as big as 10%.
Customers who bought TouchPads before the announcement will be able to get refunds of the difference in price, according to a spokesman for DSG.
These funds' returns depend both on the overall movement of prices, and on the difference in price between contracts for prompt and future delivery.
Thee same Shandong car companies will also be due to differences in insurance rates, shipping lines and service content, and the difference in price.
Customers who buy highly efficient cooling systems rather than the minimum-standard kind can, for example, get a rebate to make up the difference in price.
The majors' poor showing also reflects lower profits from refining, as the difference in price between petrol and crude oil has fallen from the exceptionally high levels of recent months.
We don't deny the quality of your products is superior to that of Indian makes but the difference in price should in no case be as big as 10%. Our counter offer is USD 900 per ton CIF Hamburg.
我们不否认你方产品的质量比印度产品好,但差价绝不可能大于10%,我们还盘是每吨 900美元成本加保费运费汉堡。
In particular, companies create what is known as "consumer surplus" -the difference between the market price and what a consumer would be willing to pay.
The difference, or carry, would be the main source of return; if the bonds rose in price as well, so much the better.
After 10 years on the night shift, Jones said the pay difference between the daytime shift is worth the sacrifice. But many night shift workers pay a price in their health.
There lies the big difference with Mr Chavez's Venezuela, where falling poverty depends almost entirely on a vast increase in public spending, and is thus hostage to the oil price.
This is the wording in the 2003 Definitions. The 1999 Definitions refer to the difference between the Reference Price and the Final Price.
这是在2003年的定义的措辞。 1999年的定义是指之间的差额的参考价格和最终价格。
The difference lies in the property right carrier, research objectives, price and degree of being superintended, etc.
Perfumes are among the products with the highest difference in price, with a number of brands cheaper online than at the airport.
Even tough there is some price difference between the models below, I don't find it significant enough to take it in consideration.
A spread is the difference between the ask price and the bid price that is quoted in the pips.
Short selling is selling borrowed stock in the expectation of buying it back later at a lower price, and keeping the difference.
Old boys have their playthings as well as young ones; the difference is only in the price.
The difference of bidding price for Paclitaxel injection from same manufacturer in different province(region, city) ranged 1.5-4.5 times from the higher to lower.
According to the rules, the agencies and agents cannot make price difference, provide help in equivocal contracts or provide real estate brokering service to illegal and banned deals.
Now in the financial field, scientist discuss several pricing models, which all don't think of the effect of marketing price, which is the most difference from the IPO.
Now in the financial field, scientist discuss several pricing models, which all don't think of the effect of marketing price, which is the most difference from the IPO.