The Federal Reserve has cut the discount rate five times in 12 months.
The higher the discount rate, the smaller the liability appears to be.
There's another interest rate that the Fed sets and that's called the discount rate.
The discount rate used to calculate the company's model is the weighted average cost of capital.
Otherwise, it shall adopt the interest rate provided in the lease agreement as the discount rate.
With no account of the discount rate, we are absorbed in property value influence under uncertainty.
The interest deducted prior to purchasing, selling, or lending a commercial paper; the discount rate.
In 2003 they decided to change that and they decided to raise the discount rate above the Federal Funds rate.
QUESTION FROM DAVID SPETT: What are your thoughts on the Fed's decision last week to increase the discount rate?
The most convincing evidence or its decision on the discount rate down again after the interim meeting statement.
Also, the Fed lowered to 0.5% the discount rate, which is the rate at which the Federal Reserve lends money to private Banks.
It is the yield calculated by compounding. The present of future cash flow equals to the discount rate buying the bonds.
In February, the Fed raised the discount rate, charged on direct loans to commercial Banks, to 0.75 percent from 0.50 percent.
The discount rate was a policy variable set by the Fed and it was typically fifty basis points below the Federal Funds Rate.
Well, the discount rate is sort of the — you notice there are two different interest rates here and you might be confused by them.
The discount rate depends on the terms of the bill, the amount, the reputation of the drawee and the reputation of the drawer.
They've been cutting the spread between the discount rate and the Federal Funds rate again it's an effort to stimulate the economy.
Well, there's a formula that's been used by bond traders for hundreds of years and it's a traditional expression, which goes from the discount rate to the price.
This would imply that present value would be an entirely subjective estimate, varying with the risk aversion of the investor coming up with the discount rate.
Article 13 the discount rate is the pre-tax interest rate, which can reflect the time value of money in the present market and the specific risks of the asset.
The Federal Reserve has cut the discount rate-the charge it makes for emergency lending to banks-from 6.25% to 5.75%, and lengthened the term of these loans to 30 days.
Tomorrow, when the Open Market Committee meets, everyone expects them to reduce the Fed funds by another full point, with a corresponding further cut in the discount rate.
They were worried that if the discount rate is fifty basis points below the Federal Funds rate then it's going to hit zero and that would be embarrassing; so they moved it.
An extensive sensitivity analysis was performed for the probability of sequelae, the percentage of preventable pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), and the discount rate.
Nor did they question the Fed's decision last week to raise the discount rate on loans it charges to Banks, a largely technical but widely noticed step to normalize lending.
Nor did they question the Fed's decision last week to raise the discount rate on loans it charges to Banks, a largely technical but widely noticed step to normalize lending.