He put the fatal knife in Potter's open right hand, and sat down on the dismantled coffin.
O seal: usually the dismantled o seal should be changed totally, but the gasket, etc without breakage also can be reused.
The design of flattening nickel net inside the circle net stamptax is to flatten the dismantled net afresh so as to be reused.
The clash Tuesday evening came as officials complained about what they described as deteriorating safety, sanitation and health issues at the dismantled camp.
Despite nearly a decade of positive discrimination since apartheid was dismantled, few black sportsmen have reached the top level.
Two storeys have been removed, and an abandoned digger now sits on top of the partly dismantled tower.
This had been dismantled in 1933, thereby breaking the link.
Slowly but surely the Wall would be dismantled, as people made off with their very special souvenirs.
A new tower was opened in January; the old one is being dismantled to improve sightlines.
The plant for making the huge container that feeds the shuttle's engines during its ascent into orbit has closed and the tooling dismantled.
The US Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) has said the programme, which was completed once this final bomb had been dismantled, is a year ahead of schedule.
It stunned the world in 1993, announcing it had covertly built six nuclear devices and then dismantled them.
For about 10 percent of electricity in the United States, it's fuel from dismantled nuclear bombs, including Russian ones.
Another problem is that people have a great deal invested in the established world view; it will not be dismantled and reassembled easily.
Organizationally, it is the vanguard of a dismantled traditional hierarchy.
Once the sarcophagus and its contents are dismantled, it remains to be seen where the most radioactive material will be buried, but there are facilities to store the less radioactive remains.
Ten years ago, the Brooklyn Museum dismantled the sculpture garden during a reconstruction of its rear entrance.
Just like it happens in Canstruction events, I'm sure the cans will be donated to various charities, as soon as the sculpture is dismantled.
One of the sets required building an underground bunker. When all scenes had already been shot, the bunker was dismantled.
On the West Bank, Mr Barak says, the spread-eagled settlements would be dismantled and only the large settlement blocks near the old border retained.
A young drug dealer watches as his high-rolling life is dismantled in the wake of his cousin's murder, which sees his best friend arrested for the crime.
But the 49-year-old Cox - BP's most senior female executive, who previously ran renewables as part of a larger gas and power division now dismantled by Hayward - is standing down tomorrow.
They scoured a quiet neighborhood for a suspected chop shop - that's where the cars are dismantled and sold for parts.
If it carries on the highway the overloaded articles which cannot be dismantled, it shall comply with the provisions of the highway Law as well.
If it carries on the highway the overloaded articles which cannot be dismantled, it shall comply with the provisions of the highway Law as well.