Yet the dollar standard is one of the most vulnerable pillars of global stability. And the world is far from ready for America to ditch its global financial role.
The implied PPP, our hamburger standard, is the exchange rate that makes the dollar price of a burger the same in each country.
Research by Standard Chartered suggests that China has made a big effort to diversify new reserves away from the dollar this year, with purchases instead favouring the euro.
For any attribute in Laszlo, you can assign a constraint expression instead of a standard value. Constraint expressions begin with a dollar sign, and have the following format.
The other unit is the US Dollar, as defined in ISO 4217, the international standard describing three-letter currency codes (" USD "for the US Dollar).
另一个单位是美元,如iso 4217所定义,该国际标准描述了由三个字母组成的货币代码(“USD”代表美元)。
And as long as it remains tied to a dollar standard, it must follow the greenback down, buying as many dollars as its firms wish to sell to it at the prevailing rate.
A dollar a drink is standard practice in New York; two bucks might get you noticed; five on the first drink should get you generous pours all night.
It was the very lack of gold-standard inhibition that permitted the buildup of Titanic dollar balances overseas.
The impact was spoiled when Standard &Poor’s cut America’s credit rating, sending the dollar back down.
The Bretton Woods era replaced a gold standard with a dollar standard (albeit with the American currency theoretically linked to bullion).
"How can the oil industry need a dollar in the days of $100 crude oil?" says John Berger, CEO of Standard Renewable Energy.
对此,标准可再生能源(Standard Renewable Energy)的首席执行官约翰•伯杰(John Berger)的看法是:“在原油价格达到每桶100美元的今天,石油工业会需要1美元吗?”
The standard assumption is that the recovery rate will be 40%, but with Lehman Brothers and Iceland's Banks it looks as if some investors will get back less than ten cents on the dollar.
The Linden Dollar, with a years-long reputation of solid financial backing, may be positioned to become the gold standard of virtual currencies.
有着多年稳固财政支持声誉的林登币,或许会成为虚拟货币的金本位。 Miller还引用了VeriSign在互联网顶级域名管理中扮演的角色。
For Americans, the effect of a sharp decline in the dollar will be considerably higher import prices and a reduced standard of living. If the U. s.
Depending on the animal's size and activity, it's special tastes and needs, and the standard of living we establish for it, the care of a pet can cost form a dollar a week to a dollar or more a day.
The impact was spoiled when Standard & Poor's cut America's credit rating, sending the dollar back down.
Depending on the animal's size and activity, it's special tastes and needs, and the standard of living we establish for it, the care of a pet can cost from a dollar a week to a dollar or more a day.
He talked about the gold standard that America was on, and that each dollar bill was actually a silver certificate.
The basic tariff tariff line: Australia zebra on dollar standard.
The basic tariff tariff line: Australia zebra on dollar standard.