The dual nature of Cancerians will determine their life in 2011.
This is also the dual nature of Transnational Corporation the actual meaning for China.
The dual nature of Divine Comedy is a major problem over the study of Dante and his work.
Emphasis on either aspect of the dual nature is subject to the US strategic and practical interests.
First, female missionary expressed the dual nature of attitude towards Shari- tung, the people of Shantung.
The dual nature character of warehouse fire is introduced in this paper, and the economic analysis is also made.
Its economic value goes hand in hand with economic value, and it has the dual nature of both economic and aesthetic value.
The author also discusses the methods of dynamic positioning management and the dual nature of reporting on football lottery.
The dual nature of Marriott's RDC—as not only a disaster recovery facility, but also a second data center—provides an added boon.
I have taken on an element of taxidermy in my work because of the dual nature between the beauty of the animal and the stigmas surrounding its death.
Due to the dual nature of drama, translators are faced with a dilemma: whether to emphasize the literariness of drama, or to ensure its performability.
The dual nature of the human existence and that of rational target provide a rational basis of reasonableness for the existence of rational value and tools.
Natural philosophy explicated the ontological reality of technology from a philosophical point of view, even alluding to the discussion of the dual nature of artifact.
Penalty execution and social work are the dual nature of community correction. General precaution and special precaution are achieved through punishing, helping and educating the offenders.
Recognizing the dual nature of opium in particular their medicinal value and the special nature of addiction will help us understand why the opium trade has enabled China to fall into decay.
For Schelling, the Absolute or 'World-Soul' is expressed through the dual aspects of nature and mind.
Technologies that predate mainstream Web services offer a dual nature in the way they fit into frameworks.
Perhaps nowhere on Earth is the dual creative and destructive nature of volcanoes more evident than in central Africa’s Virunga Volcanoes Massif.
This is commonly referred to as "natural disaster" has the dual attributes of nature and society.
The Chinese culture's unidirectional nature and dominant manifest in the microscopic individual personality aspect, the main performance is one kind of dual personality formation.
The act of incorporating a company owns a dual nature of both civil and administrative legal acts, and its target point is to register the company.
The theory of dual property right distorts the concept and nature of property right, inevitably conflating the legal personality of corporation and shareholder.
The second part defines the nature of abettors, and expounds the six different theories, and think that the correct theory to which we should adhere is dual character theory of dialectic and unity.
The dual meanings of "nature", "entity dimensionality" and "value dimensionality", embodied accordingly in ontology and axiology of the Taoist natural philosophy.
Song Jiang is a symbol with the dual cultural significance-both historical and literary nature.
It requires continued biological ascension to master the entire scale of the Language of Light, which encompasses single, dual, tri and quad tones in nature.
Agriculture faces with the nature and the market dual risk. The income rate is very low and agriculture always is our country weaker industry in national economy.
The paper presents editor as a guard of culture who has the characteristics of dual nature, recreation and awareness.
This paper presents a definition of imitative dual graph of outplane graphs, and proves the structural theorem on outplane graphs by using the nature of imitative dual graph of outplane graphs.
The article applies "subconsciousness" theory to discuss Emilys dual personality in the novel and then explores the roles and mutual influences of nature and nurture for cultivating.