The Earth Day was created to remind people to care about the earth.
The Earth day was shortened by about 1.26 microseconds within 24 hours, a negligible amount.
Be mankind the initialzing of the modern environmental movement, the Earth day activity pushed many establishments of national environment lawses.
Take a peek into the heavens on Wednesday night and you may get a glimpse of the Lyrid meteor shower, which this year coincides with the Earth day.
To catalyze global environmental activities, the Earth Day Network developed its "a Billion Acts of Green" campaign as another theme for Earth Day 2011.
Science fiction writers have long dreamed that humans might one day quit the earth to colonize other planets.
It also slows down more as you move faster, which means astronauts some day may survive so long in space that they would return to an earth of the distant future.
The wisdom of the day was derived from Ptolemy, an astronomer of the second century, whose elaborate system of the sky put Earth at the center of all heavenly motions.
The wisdom of the day was derived from Ptolemy, an astronomer of the second century, whose elaborate system of the sky put Earth at the center of all heavenly motions.
If the Earth-Sun distance were as little as 1 percent larger, runaway glaciations on Earth about 2 billion years ago would have caused the oceans to freeze and remain frozen to this day.
Earth Day, Environmental Laws, Environmental Issues in the news, being green was entering the mainstream.
In order to spin off the Moon, Earth would have had to rotate so fast that a day would have lasted less than three hours.
He is always dreaming that he can fly to space to look at the earth one day.
This year is the 49th Earth Day and I think we should call on people not to cut down too many trees.
Many people are playing a role in saving the earth on Earth Day.
Some environmental protection groups believe that humans will understand the true spirit of Earth Day and try their best to protect the earth.
On April 22nd, people around the world would celebrate Earth Day in different ways.
Your part of the earth is towards the sun for more hours each day.
If we don't look after our earth carefully, the day will come when flowers will only be able to grow on the moon.
Each day I will keep trying to change one thing that I do to protect the earth.
How on earth would a harried florist find the time to hold a video conference with every customer who orders flowers for Mother's Day?
If the Earth-Sun distance were as little as 1 percent larger, runaway glaciation on Earth about 2 billion years ago would have caused the oceans to freeze and remain frozen to this day.
This fact did not prevent the making of the 1961 film "the Day the Earth Caught Fire," in which nuclear testing knocks the Earth out of its orbit and towards the sun.
In an address on the eve of Earth Day, Mr. Bloomberg presented the first update to PlaNYC, which calls for such revisions every four years.
Sometimes, the side facing the Earth is the day side, and other times it is the night side: this is why we observe moon phases.
The 40th anniversary of Earth Day is an opportunity for us to reflect on the legacy we have inherited from previous generations, and the legacy that we will bestow upon generations to come.
They could go into lunar orbit or into solar orbit halfway between the Earth and Venus, or one day even land on the moon.
She used the whole senior class to help the lower school clean up the playground on Earth Day.
She used the whole senior class to help the lower school clean up the playground on Earth Day.