So I took the easy way out and agreed to let her stay with her mother full-time.
Instead of spending hours trying to master the art of drawing, take the easy way out.
We love the easy way out, but we tend to make fitness and nutrition so incredibly complicated.
A few small shop-owning families in richer areas of the country are taking the easy way out.
Too many people take the easy way out and simply allow the majority to do their thinking for them.
I wanted to kill him, but he had to pay for what he had done, and he wasn't going to get the easy way out.
The film has also earned kudos for respecting the audience's intelligence and never taking the easy way out.
Therefore, many entrepreneurs in this part of the risk, "the easy way out" approach would not be desirable.
Though ejection seats have saved hundreds of pilots, they're not exactly the easy way out of a crashing plane.
Phil: she's also hurting herself by taking the easy way out. She needs to do her own work. Then she'll learn more.
To be honest, most of us take the easy way out: We try to feel better about ourselves by spoiling the good in others.
People with weak handshakes, on the other hand, lack confidence and always tend to want the easy way out of a challenge.
It's too bad Metro appears to be taking the easy way out and focusing on delivering restaurant reviews, but it's a start.
People with weak handshakes, on the other hand, lack confidence and always tend to want the easy way out of a challenge.
You can expect all the "right" reasons & excuses to "take the easy way out" or to make lousy decisions you might later regret.
But here's the thing. What I admire most about Hillary is that she never buckles under pressure. She never takes the easy way out.
If you take the easy way out with your résumé when you are trying to make the best impression, what will that mean when you are an employee?
Deep down inside we all know the easy way out is not the best way ninety-nine percent of the time and anything really worthwhile takes hard work and devotion.
This doesn't mean you abandon your creative abilities. It simply means that you take the easy way out and follow instructions until you've got some income coming in.
Most of the press coverage of the announcement took the easy way out and copied from the media release the shorthand that ITA is simply a "flight information software company."
Yet the benefits of Italy's victory could be offset by the loss of esteem it would suffer were it to use the triumph as an excuse for taking the easy way out of another challenge.
You are tempted to take the easy way out today if you don't see the justification in working so hard to reach a goal that is unrealistic and may not even be that important to you.
If Microsoft wants to direct traffic to their mobile phones and other projects, the easy way out is to setup a cluttered, non-standard (design wise) AD system that rolls across their entire site.
I may have given the impression that this sort of faith is an easy out, a comforting escape, a way to avoid tension and ambiguity.
I may have given the impression that this sort of faith is an easy out, a comforting escape, a way to avoid tension and ambiguity.