So changes to house prices aggravate the economic cycle.
Seamless experts said it is mainly determined by the economic cycle.
It summarizes all the factors relating to the economic cycle and competitiveness.
In the course of the economic cycle, therefore, price pressures tend to be exaggerated.
Bonds may move in sync with equities at some parts of the economic cycle but not at others.
The difference will become even clearer when commodity prices fall and the economic cycle turns.
These policies exacerbate the economic cycle, and contribute to the paradox of the resource curse.
And all museums, whether privately financed or funded by the state, are affected by the economic cycle.
This measure averages earnings over ten years to smooth out the peaks and troughs of the economic cycle.
But this phenomenon is difficult to prove since the extent of crowding out will vary with the economic cycle.
In the economic cycle in four phases, different types of financial assets is to show significant difference.
The real shock to the economic cycle can be reflected by contradictions between the aggregate supply and aggregate demand.
The correct measure of a fiscal stimulus is the change in the budget deficit adjusted for the impact of the economic cycle.
There is also the question whether the correction reflects a reassessment of the outlook for the economic cycle and stock prices.
The age of decline of interest rates will change with the economic cycle emerged, but the research of its effect on consumption is rare.
Minsky argued that the financial system played a big role in exaggerating the economic cycle, one that was understated by conventional theory.
Chapter vi is the countermeasures proposed, for the evaluation of the economic cycle of Shaanxi Province, put forward some specific proposals.
Graduate admissions are countercyclical — meaning that they move in the opposite direction of the economic cycle, business schools and economists say.
The economic cycle is dichotomized as expansion and recession periods while the companies are categorized as new economy firms and old economy firms.
The aim for this paper is to study if there is a corresponding relationship between the economic cycle and the investors 'financial investment options.
Rather than being a source of stability, banks intensified the economic cycle, with firms showing little discipline during the boom and no humility afterwards.
He merely noted the truth: that corporate America's profit margins "have begun to stabilise", a sign that the economic cycle is entering its later stages.
Credit relative to GDP, then, does not grow in a straight line, thanks to the economic cycle. But even in the longer term a rising trend is not inevitable.
Clearly, at the top of the economic cycle, consumers will be so desperate to get their hands on raw materials that they will pay well over the cost of production.
Its task is to keep inflation down (helping smooth out the economic cycle), to protect the financial system, and to prevent a recession turning into a deep slump.
It gives us stability and the ability to look forward with confidence without worrying too much about the ups and downs, the competitive cycle or the economic cycle.
After its fiscal crisis in the 1990s, Sweden adopted a much more cautious approach to the public finances and set a goal of running a budgetary surplus over the economic cycle.
The papermaking industry is in the middle and back end of the economic cycle, whose raw material industry determines its close relationship with the downstream consumption.
The papermaking industry is in the middle and back end of the economic cycle, whose raw material industry determines its close relationship with the downstream consumption.