The economic environment is characterized by buyers, sellers and competitors.
The markets' stuttering performance reflects continuing confusion about the economic environment.
V: Yes, this is really an encouraging trend since the economic environment in general is changing.
Technological breakthroughs occur, the economic environment changes, and they could not adjust.
Or failure of macroeconomic policy is a reality with the new changes in the economic environment?
The economic environment in which a small business has to operate today is challenging to say the least.
With the development of science and technology, the economic environment of enterprises have had a great change.
If a one-time housing subsidy is also used, the economic environment of employees buying houses will be eased even more.
The earth-shaking change in the economic environment has had a huge impact on enterprise traditional cost management method.
'The economic environment continued to negatively impact mobile-phone sales in both mature and emerging markets,' Ms. Milanesi said.
So, the export tax rebate policy is shown as the phased policy, need constant adjustment with change of the economic environment.
High salaries are reasonable, for the high ability of executives, as well as the economic environment and industry characteristics.
Secondly, the process of advertising translation must be regarded as a business function under influence of the economic environment.
In others, where the economic environment is starting to get tougher, it is a desire to ensure Managers are ready for their baptism of fire.
On this basis, the paper look into sustainability under the influence of the economic environment variables, so the research got closer to reality.
Nowadays, under the economic environment fulling with fierce market competition, self-generated goodwill should be confirmed and measured appropriatedly.
China's entering WTO will bring great changes to the economic environment of China. We must quicken the process of internationalizing accounting principles.
Along with the complication of the economic environment and the diversification of enterprise management, the income of an enterprise becomes more diversified.
METHODS: The economic environment at home and abroad, situations and new trends in combination of capital in pharmaceutical enterprise of our country were analyzed.
To help relieve pressure on families which has been brought about by the changes in the economic environment, we will strengthen our family services to help those in need.
Objectives of financial management is an expected result of the financial activities in a specific period, which is obviously related to the economic environment for any enterprise.
In effect, earnings retention allowed investors to buy at book value part of an enterprise that, in the economic environment than existing, was worth a great deal more than book value.
Finally in the economic environment of domestic and international market, alter system from enterprise strategic Angle for pipeline property, look ahead the specific progress of pattern.
The merge and buyout mania, coupled with the burgeoning integration and globalization and the strong competition, result in great changes of the economic environment that companies face.
But fair value is close to the economic environment, which involves many reasons such as hypotheses and uncertainty etc, has many difficulties in study in the theory applied with practice.
But fair value is close to the economic environment, which involves many reasons such as hypotheses and uncertainty etc, has many difficulties in study in the theory applied with practice.