So on the economic trend side, I would suggest that this disaster is likely to accelerate the trend towards a more global, more productive and more profitable Japan Inc.
Europe's new economic climate has largely fostered the trend toward independence.
V: Yes, this is really an encouraging trend since the economic environment in general is changing.
And this trend is due, he says, to the exhaustion of the supply of low-hanging economic fruit.
Trends, of course, cannot be counted on, but if the trend continues, I estimate that in twenty more years China's economic status would amount to ten Japans.
And with worries over climate change and with the advance of green technology there are reasons to expect that 2010 will entrench the trend towards energy conservation even as economic growth resumes.
And while there is the hint of a negative trend in the economic data, it's not nearly as pronounced as was the case last summer.
The long-term trend in profitability (claims and operating costs as a percentage of premiums) for America’s non-life insurers shows no obvious correlation with the economic cycle.
Lastly, Caroline Bremner, Head of Global Travel and Tourism discusses the North American trend of using health and wellness to forget about economic hardships.
最后,全球旅行和旅游主管Caroline Bremner讨论了在北美用健康的旅游来忘记经济困难的新趋势。
The same trend of economic activity may be expected for the development of lunar infrastructure projects.
It reflects a trend for using the web to predict economic indicators before official figures are released.
But the trend toward each child having their own domain may be changing due to economic constraints.
But central Banks already try to estimate the "output gap", the extent to which economic growth is above or below trend, when setting interest rates-and that's fiendishly difficult.
Whatever the cause, the general downward trend in crime is some small relief in tough economic times.
The eastern Chinese city of Wenzhou produces more cigarette lighters and spectacles than anywhere on earth, and has long been seen as an economic trend-setter for the entire country.
Credit relative to GDP, then, does not grow in a straight line, thanks to the economic cycle.But even in the longer term a rising trend is not inevitable.
Credit relative to GDP, then, does not grow in a straight line, thanks to the economic cycle. But even in the longer term a rising trend is not inevitable.
These five economists illustrate both today's economic imperialism and the trend towards a mingling of theory and empirical work.
WHAT will tomorrow's historians see as the defining economic trend of the early 21st century?
But as China's economic levels rising, incidence of a disease has reduced the trend.
The BOJ's rising optimism reflects a trend among global central banks, with the Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank and other central banks all recently raising their economic outlooks.
日本央行不断增长的乐观情绪反映出全球央行的一个整体趋势,美国联邦储备委员会(Federal Reserve)、欧洲央行和其他央行最近都上调了经济预期。
The global economic competition appears trend of paying more attention to competitive intelligence and knowledge capital.
In 2012, three years after the trough of the latest economic downturn, Zenith Optimedia now expects advertising spending to grow by 5.3%, ie, below the trend rate of growth.
在2012年,这次金融危机的3年后,Zenith Optimedia预计增长5.3%,即,低于趋势增长率。
The cooling trend reflects China's efforts to seek an economic soft-landing. The country now puts the emphasis on domestic consumption rather than export gains.
The modern policy study indicated that the main functions of the policy should adjudge the benefits and values allotment and the main researches trend to the policy analysis from the economic aspects.
Global economic integration has been a strong trend from the 50s of the 20th century.
Global economic integration has been a strong trend from the 50s of the 20th century.