Qinhuangdao city is a important harbour city of the economic zone round Bobal sea in China.
We have good business and economic environment because of convenient transportation in the economic zone of Yangtse River Delta.
Therefore, to develop Min River economic corridor is significant for building the economic zone on the west side of the Straits.
"With profound advantages in terms of natural resources and geography, the Economic Zone has become a bright spot among the region," Li said.
The exhibition held in handan city and even the economic zone for the equipment manufacturing industry chain extension, improve equipment manufacture ability made significant contributions.
That's the highest percentage of an exclusive economic zone devoted to marine conservation by any country in the world.
The Xiongan New Area is the third important new area after the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone and the Shanghai Pudong New Area.
The natural resources in the exclusive economic zone referred to in this Law consist of living and non-living resources.
However, we largely missed the biggest economic story of 2010: the crisis in the euro zone.
Since I'm trying to create a tiny, little "economic hot-zone", I want to get the mix right.
Indeed, similar to Ireland, much of Italy's economic future depends how the crisis might spread and impact the euro zone.
Indeed euro-zone policymakers are now scrambling to claim the plan as their own so that they can set the terms for the economic co-ordination and surveillance that it entails.
Germany, the economic engine of the 16-nation euro zone, would have to shoulder the lion's share of any bailout.
But Greece may not sign on the dotted line until Israel has agreed with Lebanon and Cyprus on where a border is to be drawn in the sea, demarcating each country's economic exclusion zone.
Much of the recent good economic news in the euro zone, the U.K. and Japan has stemmed from strong export data.
But Spaniards remain Eurofanatics, and the socialists hope they will get credit for this step towards euro-zone economic integration.
The dollar has steadily risen against some other currencies this year, helped by stronger U.S. economic data and weaker prospects in the U.K. and euro zone.
受美 国经济数据转好支持加之英国及欧元区前景不佳,今年美元兑其它货币汇率稳定上行。
This would be true even if the global economic tides hadn't shifted in the wake of the euro-zone sovereign debt crisis.
We believe the building of the China-Peru Free trade Zone is conductive to promoting the mutually beneficial cooperation in the economic and trade field between the two countries.
"I think there is not enough economic integration in the euro zone, the 17, and too much integration in the eu at 27," Mr Sarkozy declared in October.
"I think there is not enough economic integration in the euro zone, the 17, and too much integration in the eu at 27," Mr Sarkozy declared in October.