Despite a slow start at the beginning of the eighties, global economic output increased by more than a fifth during the decade.
Even worries about uprising gas prices and future fuel availability subsided in the eighties almost as quickly as they had emerged.
He went abroad in the eighties.
What's happened since the eighties?
Newspapers have, in fact, been losing readers since the eighties.
In fact, they took notes of some of my lectures with Schoen in America in the eighties.
The foreign has this new type of steel in the seventies. We began to study it in the eighties.
From the eighties of last century to enter our country, has been in hot pursuit of the many lovers.
The middle class had been shafted in the eighties, and Bush had been crippled by signing a gas-tax increase.
The existing offices were built in the eighties as a polygonal one-storey building in dark grey concrete blocks.
I got some boos, too, for referring to the eighties as a decade of greed and opposing a cut in the capital gains tax.
The paper reviews the advances in the research on slope stability and highlights the research achievements made since the eighties.
I've got eye-watering dresses and coats from the Eighties with shoulder pads that, even given the current trend, you couldn't get away with.
The researchers find an almost doubling of the asthma rate in children born in the late nineties compared to children born in the eighties.
Taking inspiration from Victorian silhouettes and the classic looks of the Eighties, there are a host of different styles to experiment with.
As most of the eighties generation in China has reached prime marriage age, Liu, like millions of her peers, is seeing a new boom of weddings.
In the eighties I was a big fan of the raw heavy metal of this band and even now their first albums are to be found in my CD player on a very regular basis.
Preventive strategies were passive and limited before the eighties, and the strategies were very comprehensive and effective after the middle of the eighties.
This has resulted in clear fashion trends, from the "power dressing" of the eighties, to "grunge" of the early nineties to conservative "chic" of recent years.
After the eighties, with the liberation of ideology and the rethinking of culture, the image of hooligan proletarian has come into being with large quantities.
This middle aged generation of ours that lived through the literature and art wave of the eighties, all like to sing a song called "the new is always beautiful".
Rotterdam always was an urban experimental field, since it's center was bombed out during the second World War, but since the eighties Rotterdam lost its courage.
Products produced in the eighties on the access to the Guangdong market, and to perfect the production technology and product quality achieved remarkable results.
Behind me, faint light from kerosene lamps shone out of cracks in the walls of dilapidated thatched huts-the village wasn't wired for electricity until the eighties.
Behind me, faint light from kerosene lamps shone out of cracks in the walls of dilapidated thatched huts-the village wasn't wired for electricity until the eighties.