Dmitri, who had already made an admired translation of Nabokov's ur-Lolita, the Enchanter, welcomed an immersion in his father's work as a way of remaining close to him.
When the youth went to the enchanter and held it before him, the latter said, "My power is destroyed, and from this time forth thou art the King of the Castle of the Golden Sun."
The second surprise had been accomplished for Jeanie Deans by the rod of the same benevolent enchanter .
While I listened in an extremity of astonishment which I need not attempt to describe, a strong and brief gust of wind bore off the incumbent fog as if by the wand of an enchanter.
Everybody wants to be the most powerful enchanter in the country and there is 9 level enchanters: the highest is magic master, and the lowest is magic fresher.
Everybody wants to be the most powerful enchanter in the country and there is 9 level enchanters: the highest is magic master, and the lowest is magic fresher.