Let's quantify the energy value. If you go through and solve for energy, you will get this equation.
If the energy value of byproduct considering, both energy benefit of new and old technology are positive, and the benefit of new is obviously higher than the old one.
To boost the market value of efficiency, all new buildings are required to have an "energy pass" detailing power and heating consumption.
Cauliflower has some important nutrients, but Haagen-Dazs has immediate value because of the energy it gives you.
These so-called baryon acoustic oscillations offer another yardstick for measuring the expansion rate of the universe over time and putting limits on the value of dark energy.
It's a reverse value proposition: the more we feel threatened, the more energy we spend defending, restoring, and asserting our value, and the less energy we have available to create value.
It's not the hours you work that determine the value you generate, but rather the energy you bring to whatever hours you work.
It's now how long you work that determines the value you produce, but rather the energy you bring to whatever hours you work.
The theme for this year's International Day of Cooperatives, "Youth, the Future of Cooperatives", highlights the enormous value of engaging the energy and drive of young people.
So you get the zero limiting value for the heat capacity, and the energy itself is also zero.
Sure you might find a better product or price if you look at 50 options, but when you factor in the time and energy that would take, it's probably not such a value.
Whether dark energy has retained its value throughout the history of the universe is an important clue to its nature.
Because this is a measure of energy used, not power (which our 200w value is), we need to specify the units for this value to make sure everything is right.
Mice gained more weight eating cooked food than raw food, indicating that preparing the food gives it a higher effective energy value.
Right, because when we think of an energy diagram, that lowest spot there is going to have the lowest value of the binding energy or the most negative value of binding.
Now scientists have learned that nitrates are the true energy-boosting ingredient in the vegetable. Until recently the inorganic chemical was not thought to have any nutritional value.
Energy costs for a house are so small in comparison with sales value and will never be paid by the developed anyway that they have not been an issue.
Objective: to explore the diagnostic value in different stages of renal damage due to hypertension with color Doppler speed energy graph examination in renal blood flow.
Mice gained more weight eating cooked food than raw food, indicating that preparing the food gives it a higher effective energy value. Sophie Bushwick reports.
We knew from Friday, when we talked about energy, that ground state was that n equals 1 value, that was the lowest energy, that was the most stable place for the electron.
Some end value condition derived by variational method in accordance with the least energy loss principle and their mechanical background are also dealt with.
In the case of constant load, the energy release rate will increase with time until it reaches a higher limit value.
The transmitted information is coded into the amplitude of the pulses so that each predetermined value of pulse energy is associated with a message.
Our results showing that with the launcher we can set the energy focus and enhance the single pulse energy (peak value power) effectively, besides, the launcher has its good beam scan performance.
The caloric value of the plant material is then determined by combustion and compared to the amount of solar energy which fell on the plants.
Performance test shows that the sealing process can save energy and time, with sealing quality up to the international standards, therefore has higher application value.
The proposed EEPR algorithm stochastically controls the number of the RREQ packets using the residual energy and ETX value of a link on the path and thus facilitates energy-efficient route setup.
The proposed EEPR algorithm stochastically controls the number of the RREQ packets using the residual energy and ETX value of a link on the path and thus facilitates energy-efficient route setup.